STUDY DESIGN.: Prospective, computer aided pedicle morphometric data measurements obtained from computed tomography (CT) scan of lower thoracic (T9-T12) and lumber vertebrae in a large group of Indian population. OBJECTIVES.: Measurement on CT scan of the surgically relevant parameters of transverse pedicle isthmus width, transverse pedicle angle, and depth to anterior cortex along the midline axis and the pedicle axis by Computer software aid in a large sample of Indian population. To compare the results with those of similar studies of Western and Indian population in literature by other methods and to deduce safety parameters for pedicular screw placements in these areas. ⋯ CONCLUSION.: Significant differences exist between the pedicles of Indian and white populations. It is suggested that preoperative software-based morphometric data should be collected if possible for preoperative planning of pedicle implant placement and sizes to avoid inadvertent complications. Further, data from study can be used as a guide for implant size, intraoperative placement trajectory at lower thoracic and lumber vertebrae pedicles.
The assignment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) curves into curve types (1-6), as described by Lenke et al, was evaluated by 12 independent observers using the original description versus a decisional tree algorithm. ⋯ Transfer of a computer algorithm, a decision tree, to a clinical diagram improved both accuracy ofAIS classification. Algorithmic diagrams could prove beneficial to increase classification reliability due to their systematic approach.
A case report of traumatic atlantooccipital dislocation (AOD) managed by intraarticular-posterior fusion from a posterior approach at the C0-C1 level with preservation of C1-C2 motion. ⋯ Intraarticular and posterior fusion of the atlantooccipital joint was able to provide an excellent long-term clinical outcome in the treatment of traumatic AOD in a child. This is the first report of an intraarticular fusion of the C0-C1 segment and the longest follow-up published on isolated C0-C1 stabilization.
A descriptive cadaveric study measuring arterial tension. ⋯ The results of this study would be useful for not only spinal surgery but also other vascular surgeries, particularly, in cases where patients with conditions such as atherosclerosis or stenosis.
A 2-group experimental design. ⋯ After IMF, control subjects use a rigid proprioceptive postural control strategy, rather than the normal "multisegmental" control, which is similar to people with LBP. This results in decreased postural stability. These results suggest that IMF might be a factor in the high recurrence rate of LBP.