We describe an unusual cause of myelopathy with a discussion of similar cases previously reported in the literature. ⋯ Spinal gout should be considered in all patients presenting myelopathy and history of gout. When progressive neurological symptoms develop, surgical decompression can provide a satisfactory outcome.
Multicenter Study
Growing rods for the treatment of scoliosis in children with cerebral palsy: a critical assessment.
Retrospective analysis. ⋯ GRs via a posterior-only approach are effective. Constructs extending to the pelvis control PO more effectively. However, 30% of patients experienced deep wound infection.
Computer modeling and simulations to analyze correction forces at the bone-screw interface in scoliosis instrumentation. ⋯ Bone-screw forces to achieve desired corrections can be minimized. However, EF are inevitable to secure the locking of all screws. Higher EF were associated with pedicle screws, with less degrees of freedom for connecting screw body to rod, that is, monoaxial followed by polyaxial and then by dorsoaxial screws.
A single-center retrospective study. ⋯ Patients undergoing 1 level MIS TLIF for degenerative conditions can overall expect a short LOS postoperatively. Multiple preoperative, intraoperative, and immediate postoperative factors can prolong the LOS in this group. This information should help the surgical team in optimizing their intraoperative patient management.
The biomechanical effects of disc degeneration and hybrid fixation on the transition and adjacent segments were evaluated using a numerical approach. ⋯ The use of the hybrid fixator should involve a certain trade-off between the protection of the transition segment and the deterioration of the adjacent segments. This trade-off stiffness, which largely depends on both fixator design and disc degeneration, provides the improved rigidity and flexibility of the transition and adjacent segments.