A cadaver and clinical study investigated the attachment of the nuchal ligament to the cervical spinous process. ⋯ This study shows that there is an association between the individual anatomical differences of the nuchal ligament and the occurrence of postoperative axial pain after laminoplasty. Careful attention should be paid to the morphology of the attachment of the nuchal ligament to the C6 spinous process to reduce postoperative axial pain.
A technical note and a retrospective review of cervical osteotomy using an innovative reduction technique. ⋯ Using the sterile-freehand reduction technique, the operator can obtain a safe, controlled reduction with close monitoring of the surgical field. The technique is potentially a simple and effective method to provide stable, 3-dimensional reduction for corrective osteotomies of the cervical spine.
A retrospective, consecutive case series. ⋯ The measurement of forced vital capacity is indispensable to predict the need for tracheostomy in patients with CSCI at the acute stage.
The twy/twy mouse undergoes spontaneous chronic mechanical compression of the spinal cord; this in vivo model system was used to examine the effects of retrograde adenovirus (adenoviral vector [AdV])-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene delivery to spinal neural cells. ⋯ Our results demonstrate that targeted retrograde BDNF gene delivery suppresses apoptosis in neurons and oligodendrocytes in the chronically compressed spinal cord of twy/twy mouse. Further work is required to establish whether this method of gene delivery may provide neuroprotective effects in other situations of compressive spinal cord injury.