Retrospective chart review. ⋯ This study underlines the grave severity of these scolioses particularly in syndromic children. The high mortality rate is alarming, suggesting that further study is needed in this area.
Comparative Study
Correlation of vertebral strength topography with 3-dimensional computed tomographic structure.
Biomechanical and radiographical study. ⋯ Stiffness and strength at discrete sites of human lumbar vertebrae depend on the superficial vertebral bone structure and density and can be evaluated using models based on quantitative analysis of micro-CT and con-CT images.
Case Reports
Sacral fracture after instrumented lumbosacral fusion: analysis of risk factors from spinopelvic parameters.
Retrospective comparative study. ⋯ 4.
Prospective, clinical, noninvasive imaging study. ⋯ 3.