Skeletal radiology
Late segmental collapse after internal fixation for femoral neck fracture is the phenomenon observed in post-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ON), which has generally been reported to occur over a year or more after internal fixation. Subchondral insufficiency fracture of the femoral head (SIF) has also been recognized to cause femoral head collapse, however, only two cases of SIF after internal fixation for femoral neck fracture have been reported. ⋯ Clinically, differentiating SIF from ON is important because some cases of SIF have been reported to heal without surgical treatments. The timing of femoral head collapse after femoral neck fracture may be different between SIF and post-traumatic ON.
Luxatio erecta or inferior glenohumeral dislocation is a rare type of shoulder dislocation, accounting for less than 1 % of all reported shoulder dislocations. We describe a 15-year-old male who presented with luxatio erecta following an injury to his shoulder that resulted from a mountain biking accident. Clinically, the patient had shoulder pain and fixed abduction of the arm. ⋯ The MR findings were confirmed on arthroscopy. The bone and soft tissue injury pattern seen in our patient clearly supports the described mechanism of injury for luxatio erecta and lends credence to the theory that a fracture of the greater tuberosity spares injury to the rotator cuff, especially in children. A review of the literature failed to reveal any prior description of the MRI or MRA findings of luxatio erecta in a pediatric patient or any publication with arthroscopic confirmation of the MR findings.
Lipomatosis of nerve (LN) is a condition of massive peripheral nerve enlargement frequently associated with hypertrophy within the distribution of the nerve, and most commonly affecting the distal limbs. We sought to understand if LN of the lumbosacral plexus would be associated with the trophic effects of LN on surrounding tissue within the pelvis, which may be clinically occult, but present on MRI. ⋯ LN is broader in anatomical reach than previously understood. Proximal plexal innervation may be involved, with a consequent effect on axial skeleton and intrapelvic structures.
Glomuvenous malformation (GVM) is an inherited autosomal dominant trait. The lesions, which appear as bluish nodules or plaque-like cutaneous elevations, are usually tender and more firm than sporadic venous malformations. Conventionally, the lesions are thought to be limited to the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue planes. The objective was to characterize the depth of involvement of GVM lesions. ⋯ Contrary to the conventional belief that GVMs are generally limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, deep subfascial extension of the lesions is common.
Controlled Clinical Trial
Fluoroscopic cervical paramidline interlaminar epidural steroid injections for cervical radiculopathy: effectiveness and outcome predictors.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of fluoroscopic cervical paramidline interlaminar epidural steroid injection (ESI) as well as to assess outcome predictors. ⋯ Fluoroscopic paramidline interlaminar cervical ESIs effectively managed cervical radiculopathy, irrespective of the cause or zone of nerve root compression, and patients with paresthesia only experienced fewer improvements.