Behavioural processes
A simple linear-operator model both describes and predicts the dynamics of choice that may underlie the matching relation. We measured inter-food choice within components of a schedule that presented seven different pairs of concurrent variable-interval schedules for 12 food deliveries each with no signals indicating which pair was in force. ⋯ The effect of a changeover delay was reflected in one parameter, the asymptote, whereas the effect of a difference in overall rate of food delivery was reflected in the other parameter, rate of approach to the asymptote. The model takes choice as a primary dependent variable, not derived by comparison between alternatives-an approach that agrees with the molar view of behaviour.
Representations of unique events from one's past constitute the content of episodic memories. A number of studies with non-human animals have revealed that animals remember specific episodes from their past (referred to as episodic-like memory). The development of animal models of memory holds enormous potential for gaining insight into the biological bases of human memory. ⋯ This article reviews several approaches that have been used to assess episodic-like memory in animals. The approaches reviewed include the discrimination of what, where, and when in a radial arm maze, dissociation of recollection and familiarity, object recognition, binding, unexpected questions, and anticipation of a reproductive state. The diversity of approaches may promote the development of converging lines of evidence on the difficult problem of assessing episodic-like memory in animals.
Voluntary running in an activity wheel endowed rats with aversion to a taste solution consumed before the running. This running-based taste aversion was attenuated by extra running opportunities interspersed among the taste-running pairings, but the attenuating effect was reduced by signaling the extra running by another taste cue. These results correspond to the so-called degraded contingency effect and cover-cue effect in the traditional preparations of Pavlovian conditioning.
Behavioural processes · Jun 2008
Comparative StudyThe matching law and effects of reinforcer rate and magnitude on choice in transition.
Four pigeons responded in a concurrent-schedule procedure in which reinforcer rates and magnitudes changed unpredictably across sessions according to independent random series. Programmed relative reinforcement rates and magnitudes were always either 2:1 or 1:2. Pigeons' response allocation tended to stabilize within sessions and multiple regression analyses showed that it was determined by rates and magnitudes from the current session. ⋯ Rate and magnitude both controlled responding in single sessions and individual interreinforcer intervals. Analyses of responding within sessions showed that preference was more extreme when the richer rate and larger magnitude were associated with the same alternative than when they were associated with different alternatives. Overall, results support the concatenated generalized matching law's assumptions of additivity and independence as applied to choice in transition.
Members of a social group have to make collective decisions in order to synchronise their activities. In a shared consensus decision, all group members can take part in the decision whereas in an unshared consensus decision, one individual, usually a dominant member of the group, takes the decision for the rest of the group. It has been suggested that the type of decision-making of a species could be influenced by its social style. ⋯ However, this consensus decision involved nearly all group members in Tonkean macaques whereas dominant and old individuals took a prominent role in rhesus macaques. Thus, we suggest that Tonkean macaques display equally shared consensus decisions to move, whereas in the same context rhesus macaque exhibit partially shared consensus decisions. Such a difference in making a collective decision might be linked to the different social systems of the two studied species.