Behavioural processes
Behavioural processes · Aug 1985
New place and new object reactions in the brown spiny mouse, Mus platythrix Bennett.
The behavioural response of the brown spiny mouse, Mus platythrix Bennett to new place and new object was studied in a plus (+) maze. The new place reaction was observed by allowing the mice to access an area which had previously been not exposed to them and the new object reaction was studied by introducing a change at the feeding point. The experiment suggested new place philia and new object philia in this species.
Behavioural processes · Oct 1979
Influence of the buck on social behavior of captive female fallow deer (dama dama) during the rutting season.
The behavioral interactions and grouping patterns of eight confined fallow deer (Dama dama) were observed during the rutting season to determine the influence of the buck on herd social organization and behavior. Data were collected on five does, two female fawns, and one male fawn under three conditions: (1) buck in the paddock, (2) buck not in the paddock but present outside of the paddock fence, and (3) buck absent. ⋯ When the buck was absent, the aggressive behavior of the dominant does increased and was directed primarily at the subordinate does. The significance of male suppression of female-female aggression is discussed in regard to reproductive strategies.