Intensive care medicine
Intensive care medicine · Jun 2014
ReviewPosttraumatic stress disorder among survivors of critical illness: creation of a conceptual model addressing identification, prevention, and management.
Quality of life is frequently impaired among survivors of critical illness, and psychiatric morbidity is an important element contributing to poor quality of life in these patients. Among potential manifestations of psychiatric morbidity following critical illness, symptoms of posttraumatic stress are prevalent and intricately linked to the significant stressors present in the intensive care unit (ICU). ⋯ Much remains to be understood about the identification, prevention, and management of this significant public health problem. This article addresses the importance of uniformity in future epidemiologic studies, proposes framing of risk factors into those likely to be modifiable versus non-modifiable, and provides an assessment of modifiable risk factors in the context of a novel conceptual model that offers insight into potential strategies to attenuate symptoms of posttraumatic stress among survivors of critical illness.
Intensive care medicine · Jun 2014
ReviewWhat's new in the clinical and diagnostic management of invasive candidiasis in critically ill patients.
Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a severe complication in the ICU setting. A high proportion of ICU patients become colonized with Candida species, but only 5-30 % develop IC. Progressive colonization and major abdominal surgery are well-known risk factors for Candida infection. ⋯ However, they have a far better negative predictive value than positive predictive value. New IC biomarkers [mannan, anti-mannan, (1,3)-β-D-glucan, and polymerase chain reaction] are being increasingly used to enable earlier diagnosis and, ideally, to provide prognostic information and/or therapeutic monitoring. Although reasonably sensitive and specific, these techniques remain largely investigational, and their clinical usefulness has yet to be established.
Intensive care medicine · Jun 2014
Multicenter StudyA multicenter study of septic shock due to candidemia: outcomes and predictors of mortality.
Candida is the most common cause of severe yeast infections worldwide, especially in critically ill patients. In this setting, septic shock attributable to Candida is characterized by high mortality rates. The aim of this multicenter study was to investigate the determinants of outcome in critically ill patients with septic shock due to candidemia. ⋯ A total of 216 patients (mean age 63.4 ± 18.5 years; 58.3 % males) were included in the study. Of these, 163 (75 %) were admitted to the intensive care unit. Overall 30-day mortality was 54 %. Significantly higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores, dysfunctional organs, and inadequate antifungal therapy were compared in nonsurvivors and survivors. No differences in survivors versus nonsurvivors were found in terms of the time from positive blood culture to initiation of adequate antifungal therapy. Multivariate logistic regression identified inadequate source control, inadequate antifungal therapy, and 1-point increments in the APACHE II score as independent variables associated with a higher 30-day mortality rate.
Intensive care medicine · Jun 2014
Blood glucose level and outcome after cardiac arrest: insights from a large registry in the hypothermia era.
The influence of blood glucose (BG) level during the post-resuscitation period after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is still debated. To evaluate the relationship between blood glucose level and outcome, we included the median glycemia and its maximal amplitude over the first 48 h following ICU admission in an analysis of outcome predictors. ⋯ We observed a relationship between high blood glucose level and outcome after cardiac arrest. These results suggest the need to test a strategy combining both control of glycemia and minimization of glycemic variations for its ability to improve post-resuscitation care.