Evaluation and program planning
My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant or "MEERA" is a web-site designed to support environmental educators' program evaluation activities. MEERA has several characteristics that set it apart from other self-directed learning evaluation resources. Readers are encouraged to explore the site and to reflect on the role that self-directed learning resources can play in program evaluation and how those resources could be better designed.
A crucial element of the system of care definition is the specification of its purpose, namely, "to ensure access to and availability of necessary services and supports." This article discusses the structures and processes that must be in place so that systems of care can acquire and respond to high-quality information about what services and supports are truly necessary.
Defining practice: flexibility, legitimacy, and the nature of systems of care and wraparound.
In human services, clear definition of key concepts and strategies is critical to facilitating training, implementation, and research. This article reflects on methods undertaken to specify the wraparound process for children and families, and considers lessons that may be relevant to defining the system of care concept.
Despite recognition of the central role that service accessibility (and availability) should assume within a system of care, the definition proposed in the feature article of this special issue does not identify specific factors that systems of care must take into account in order to serve diverse children with serious emotional disturbance and their families in a culturally competent manner. This paper provides support for inclusion of the concepts of access and availability in the system of care definition and presents important factors that systems of care must take into account in order to increase access in a culturally competent manner, a core system of care value.