The importance of evidence-based medicine has been well documented and supported across various surgical subspecialties. ⋯ Higher levels of evidence (levels I and II) represent only 1 in 10 neurosurgical clinical papers in the top neurosurgical journals. Increased awareness of the need for better evidence in the field through education and adoption of the levels of evidence may improve the conduct and publication of prospective studies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Traumatic brain injury in Latin America: lifespan analysis randomized control trial protocol*.
Although in the developed world the intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor is considered the standard of care for patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), its usefulness to direct treatment decisions has never been tested rigorously. ⋯ This clinical trial tests the effectiveness of a management protocol based on technology considered pivotal to brain trauma treatment in the developed world: the ICP monitor. A randomized, controlled trial of ICP monitoring has never been performed-a critical gap in the evidence base that supports the role of ICP monitoring in TBI care. As such, the results of this randomized, controlled trial will have global implications regardless of the level of development of the trauma system.
Multicenter Study
Early postmarket results after treatment of intracranial aneurysms with the pipeline embolization device: a U.S. multicenter experience.
The pipeline embolization device (PED) is the latest technology available for intracranial aneurysm treatment. ⋯ Unlike conventional coil embolization, aneurysm occlusion with PED is not immediate. Early complications include both thromboembolic and hemorrhagic events and appear to be significantly more frequent in association with treatment of vertebrobasilar aneurysms.
Anatomic diversity among cerebellar arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) calls for a classification that is intuitive and surgically informative. Selection tools like the Spetzler-Martin grading system are designed to work best with cerebral AVMs but have shortcomings with cerebellar AVMs. ⋯ Patients with cerebellar AVMs present with hemorrhage more often than patients with cerebral AVMs, justifying an aggressive treatment posture. The supplementary system is better than the Spetzler-Martin system at predicting outcomes after cerebellar AVM resection. Key components of the Spetzler-Martin system such as venous drainage and eloquence are distorted by cerebellar anatomy in ways that components of the supplementary system are not.
Treatment of complex middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysms often requires vessel sacrifice or prolonged temporary occlusion with extra- to intracranial (EC-IC) bypass to preserve perfusion. A crucial surgical step is the identification of the bypass recipient artery matching the distal territory of the involved vessel. ⋯ The proposed ICG-VA-based technique enables reliable and accurate identification of the cortical recipient artery and eliminates the risk of erroneous revascularization of noninvolved territories.