Diffusion tensor (DT) imaging-based fiber tracking is a noninvasive magnetic resonance technique that can delineate the course of white matter fibers. ⋯ DT imaging-based fiber tracking is a reliable and accurate method for mapping the course of subcortical PTs. Fiber tracking and intraoperative MEPs were useful for preserving motor function in patients with gliomas near the PT.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Evaluation of epidural analgesic paste components in lumbar decompressive surgery: a randomized double-blind controlled trial.
Adjuncts for pain management in lumbar decompressive surgery are needed to reduce narcotic consumption and promote early mobility. ⋯ An analgesic paste containing methylprednisolone acetate is effective at reducing postoperative pain after lumbar decompressive surgery. Mixing effective doses of morphine sulfate in the paste abrogates the expected analgesic effects of epidural morphine.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Microdiscectomy improves pain-associated depression, somatic anxiety, and mental well-being in patients with herniated lumbar disc.
Emotional distress and depression are common psychological disturbances associated with low-back and leg pain. The effects of lumbar discectomy on pain, disability, and physical quality of life are well described. The effects of discectomy on emotional distress and mental well-being are less well understood. ⋯ The majority of patients somatized or depressed preoperatively returned to good mental well-being postoperatively. Improvement in pain and overall mental well-being was seen immediately after discectomy. Improvement in somatic anxiety and depression occurred months later. Microdiscectomy significantly improves pain-associated depression, somatic anxiety, and mental well-being in patients with herniated lumbar disc.