In this study, we evaluated the use of a part-task simulator with 3-dimensional and haptic feedback as a training tool for percutaneous spinal needle placement. ⋯ The experiments showed evidence (P = .04) of performance accuracy improvement from the first to the second percutaneous needle placement attempt. This result, combined with previous learning retention and/or face validity results of using the simulator for open thoracic pedicle screw placement and ventriculostomy catheter placement, supports the efficacy of augmented reality and haptics simulation as a learning tool.
Recent studies have shown that mental script-based rehearsal and simulation-based training improve the transfer of surgical skills in various medical disciplines. Despite significant advances in technology and intraoperative techniques over the last several decades, surgical skills training on neurosurgical operations still carries significant risk of serious morbidity or mortality. Potentially avoidable technical errors are well recognized as contributing to poor surgical outcome. ⋯ This simulation platform uses multiple sensory modalities, re-creating many of the environmental cues experienced during an actual procedure. Modules available include ventriculostomy, bone drilling, percutaneous trigeminal rhizotomy, and simulated spinal modules such as pedicle screw placement, vertebroplasty, and lumbar puncture. We present our experience with the development of such augmented reality neurosurgical modules and the feedback from neurosurgical residents.
Jugular foramen schwannomas are uncommon and surgically challenging lesions. ⋯ Although radical gross total resection is desirable, it is not optimal for cranial nerve preservation in patients with jugular foramen schwannomas. A more conservative approach resulted in a statistically significant decrease in lower cranial nerve deficits. There was a nonstatistically significant trend toward increasing recurrence, which may be treated with multiple modality therapy in the modern era.
Case Reports
Transvenous coil embolization of an intraorbital arteriovenous fistula: case report and review of the literature.
Purely intraorbital arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs), which are rare vascular malformations that clinically mimic carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs), involve a fistula from the ophthalmic artery to 1 of the draining ophthalmic veins. We describe a case of an intraorbital AVF treated with transvenous endovascular coil embolization via the inferior petrosal sinus (IPS) route and review the literature on this rare entity. ⋯ Intraorbital AVFs are a rare type of AVF that can be treated by direct surgical ligation, transarterial embolization, or transvenous embolization. We successfully navigated the IPS, which is frequently stenotic or occluded secondary to chronically increased fistulous drainage, and utilized this route to embolize the fistula with detachable coils.
The association of carotid body paragangliomas with neurovascular structures can cause cranial nerve injury and significant intraoperative blood loss. Preoperative embolization may be performed either percutaneously or transarterially. ⋯ The arterial supply to carotid body tumors can be catheterized effectively through a transfemoral approach, permitting embolization of feeding pedicles. Transarterial Onyx embolization of these lesions is safe and effective, and it decreases blood loss during surgical resection.