Perirolandic surgery is associated with an increased risk of postoperative neurological deficit that can be reduced by accurate recognition of the location of sensorimotor cortex. The median somatosensory evoked potential (MSSEP) phase reversal technique (PRT) reliably identifies the central sulcus (CS) intraoperatively, but does require additional surgical time. Awareness of factors that lengthen the time required for MSSEP PRT has important implications for surgical planning. ⋯ MSSEP PRT is an effective method for CS identification and only marginally lengthens the operative time. However, difficulty in CS localization can be expected in the presence of postcentral gyrus lesions, edema distorting perirolandic anatomy, and with highly destructive pathology.
As the availability of imaging modalities has increased, the finding of arachnoid cysts has become common. Accurate patient counseling regarding physical activity or risk factors for cyst rupture or hemorrhage has been hampered by the lack of definitive association studies. ⋯ This case-control study suggests that larger arachnoid cyst size and recent head trauma are risk factors for symptomatic arachnoid cyst rupture/hemorrhage.