Randomized Controlled Trial
Multimodality word-finding distinctions in cortical stimulation mapping.
Cortical stimulation mapping (CSM) commonly uses visual naming to determine resection margins in the dominant hemisphere of patients with epilepsy. Visual naming alone may not identify all language sites in resection-prone areas, prompting additional tasks for comprehensive language mapping. ⋯ Distinct cortical areas were found for distinct input modalities, with language sites in anterior tip regions found most often by using auditory naming. The vulnerability of anterior temporal tip regions to resection in this population and distinct sites for each modality suggest that a multimodality approach may be needed to spare crucial language sites, if sparing those sites can be shown to significantly reduce the rate of postoperative language deficits without sacrificing seizure control.
Silent corticotrophic adenomas (SCAs) stain adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)+ without causing Cushing disease. SCAs are reportedly more aggressive, but information comes from small series. ⋯ In the largest series to date, SCAs exhibited comparable size, but increased cavernous sinus invasion and progression/recurrence vs HNAs. SCAs exhibit deficient pro-opiomelanocortin to ACTH conversion. Close follow-up is warranted for SCAs.
Historical Article
Head injuries in the 18th century: the management of the damaged brain.
The 18th century was the time when trauma neurosurgery began to develop into the modern discipline. Before this, the management had, for the most part, changed little from the days of Hippocrates, Celsus, and Galen. Attention was directed to skull injuries, and the brain was treated as the seat of the rational soul but without other function. ⋯ It is suggested that the relatively lesser-known James Hill in Scotland demonstrated the greatest understanding of the management of brain trauma and achieved the best results. A product of the Scottish Enlightenment, he adapted his management to his own experience and was not tied to the accepted authorities of his day, but he improved the management of each case following his experience with previous patients. He deserves to be remembered.
It is unclear if socioeconomic factors like type of insurance influence time to referral and developmental outcomes for pediatric patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. ⋯ Compared with Medicaid, children with private insurance had shorter intervals from seizure onset to referral and to epilepsy surgery, and this was associated with lower Vineland scores before surgery. These findings may reflect delayed access for uninsured children who eventually obtained state insurance. Reasons for the delay and whether longer intervals before epilepsy surgery affect long-term cognitive and developmental outcomes warrant further prospective investigations.
The angle of the basilar artery bifurcation of (BAB angle) is thought to influence the risk of the development and rupture of aneurysms at this site. It is, however, unknown whether the BAB angle also influences the incidence of angiographically negative perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage (PMSAH). ⋯ The significantly lower BAB angle in PMSAH patients compared with BSAH patients suggests that bleeding in PMSAH is either nonarterial in nature or is secondary to variations in hemodynamic arterial stress at the top of the basilar artery that need to be studied further with computational models.