Depression has been associated with poor outcomes in neurosurgical patients, including increased pain, poorer functional recovery, delayed return to work, and decreased patient satisfaction. No reports exist regarding an association of psychiatric diagnoses with outcomes after brachial plexus reconstruction. As outcomes and patient satisfaction become increasingly important to payers and physician reimbursement, assessing modifiable preoperative risk factors for their association with poor outcome and patient satisfaction is imperative. ⋯ MRC, Medical Research CouncilTBI, traumatic brain injury.
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy (SIC) is a poorly understood condition associated with periods of emotional and physical stress. The clinical approaches for management of SIC are supportive and reactive to patient symptoms. ⋯ CADD, Combined Annotation Dependent DepletionFPKM, fragments per kilobase pair of exon per million fragments mappedNHLBI GO ESP, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grand Opportunity Exome Sequencing ProjectPCR, polymerase chain reactionSIC, stress-induced cardiomyopathy.
Damage to the motor division of the lower cranial nerves that run into the jugular foramen leads to hoarseness, dysphagia, and the risk of aspiration pneumonia; therefore, its functional preservation during surgical procedures is important. Intraoperative mapping and monitoring of the motor rootlets at the cerebellomedullary cistern using endotracheal tube electrodes is a safe and effective procedure to prevent its injury. ⋯ EMG, electromyographic.