Review Case Reports
Neuroendovascular Surgery for Acute Ischemic Stroke: All Patients All the Time.
Although use of very high-dose recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) has been reported to markedly improve fusion rates in adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery, most centers use much lower doses due to cost constraints. How effective these lower doses are for fusion enhancement remains unclear. ⋯ ASD, adult spinal deformityICBG, iliac crest bone graftOR, odds ratiorhBMP-2, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2RR, risk ratioTCO, 3-column osteotomy.
Management of patients afflicted with brain metastasis requires tailoring of therapeutic strategies based on survival expectations. Therefore, the development of prognostic indices is of critical importance in this patient population. ⋯ AUC, area under the receiver-operating characteristic curveBM, brain metastasisCITV, cumulative intracranial tumor volumeds-GPA, disease-specific Graded Prognostic AssessmentGPA, Graded Prognostic AssessmentIDI, integrated discrimination improvementKHMGH, Katsuta Hospital Mito Gamma HouseKPS, Karnofsky Performance StatusNRI, net reclassification improvementROC, receiver-operating characteristic curveSRS, stereotactic radiosurgeryUCSD/SDGKC, University of California, San Diego/San Diego Gamma Knife Center.