Multicenter Study
Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.
Few reports have focused on treatment of adult cervical deformity (ACD). ⋯ 3CO, 3-column osteotomiesACD, adult cervical deformityEBL, estimated blood lossISSG, International Spine Study groupSVA, sagittal vertical axis.
In some cases of refractory epilepsy, hemispherectomy is the final invasive treatment option. However, predictors of postoperative hemiparesis in these patients have not been widely studied. ⋯ CST, corticospinal tractfMRI, functional magnetic resonance imagingTMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Early results of postoperative fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) for functional and nonfunctional pituitary adenomas appear promising, but the majority of available evidence draws from small series with insufficient follow-up data to draw meaningful conclusions. ⋯ EBRT, external beam radiotherapyFSRT, fractionated stereotactic radiotherapyOR, odds ratioPTV, planning target volumeSRS, stereotactic radiosurgery.
The brainstem is one of the most challenging areas for the neurosurgeon because of the limited space between gray matter nuclei and white matter pathways. Diffusion tensor imaging-based tractography has been used to study the brainstem structure, but the angular and spatial resolution could be improved further with advanced diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ⋯ CN, cranial nerveCPT, corticopontine tractCST, corticospinal tractCTT, central tegmental tractDLF, dorsal longitudinal fasciculusHCP, Human Connectome ProjectML, medial lemniscusMLF, medial longitudinal fasciculusRST, rubrospinal tractSTT, spinothalamic tract.
Postamputation pain is a debilitating condition that affects almost 60% of transfemoral amputees. Recent appreciation for the contribution of peripheral nerve derangement to the development of postamputation pain has resulted in focus on the role of nerve reconstruction in preventing pain after amputation. ⋯ CPN, common peroneal nervePAP, Postamputation painPLP, phantom limb painPS, phantom sensationsRLP, residual limb painTN, tibial nerve.