This report illustrates a case of a low-grade glioma that showed significant disease progression during pregnancy, and then subsequent regression spontaneously in the postpartum period without treatment. This is a rare case of spontaneous glioma regression in the postpartum period, and may suggest underlying mechanisms of hormonal influences upon glioma progression. ⋯ A young woman with a tectal glioma developed symptomatic disease progression during pregnancy, and subsequently had regression of the lesion and symptoms in the postpartum period without treatment. This case supports watchful waiting in select cases and suggests a potential role of hormones in glioma progression.
Temporal bone dehiscence (TBD) often results in leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and/or encephalocele. TBD can also occur over the superior semicircular canal, causing debilitating vertigo. Both can be repaired surgically, but traditional treatment is focused only on one pathology, not both. ⋯ TBD may present with symptoms of CSF leak/encephalocele, but may also present with superior SCD. We recommend consistent review of the temporal bone imaging to check for superior SCD, and repair of the SCD first to prevent complications involving the labyrinth and cochlea. MCF approach using a multilayer repair without a lumbar drain is highly effective with minimal risk of complications.
Petrous meningiomas (PMs) represent a subset of posterior fossa tumors accounting for ∼8% of all intracranial meningiomas. Surgical treatment of PMs is challenging because of their relationships with vital neurovascular structures of the cerebellopontine angle. ⋯ Notwithstanding the limitations of a retrospective study, our results suggest that support of microsurgery by a combination of IONM, endoscopy, and ICG videoangiography may improve patient outcome in PM surgery.
Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) is an alternative addition to subdural grids (SDG) in invasive extra-operative monitoring for medically refractory epilepsy. Few studies exist on the clinical efficacy and safety of these techniques in pediatric populations. ⋯ SEEG is a safe alternative to SDG and should be considered on an individual basis for selected pediatric patients.