Practice Guideline
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Systematic Review and Evidence-Based Guidelines for Pediatric Myelomeningocele: Executive Summary.
The incidence of spina bifida (SB) in the developing world is higher than in the United States because of malnutrition and folic acid deficiency during pregnancy. Advances in technology have made prenatal repair of myelomeningocele (MM) possible. ⋯ Based on a comprehensive systematic review, a total of 5 clinical practice recommendations were developed, with 1 Level I, 2 Level II and 2 Level III recommendations.The full guideline can be found at
Comparative Study
Comparison of Motor Outcome in Patients Undergoing Awake vs General Anesthesia Surgery for Brain Tumors Located Within or Adjacent to the Motor Pathways.
Surgical removal of intra-axial brain tumors aims at maximal tumor resection while preserving function. The potential benefit of awake craniotomy over craniotomy under general anesthesia (GA) for motor preservation is yet unknown. ⋯ Awake craniotomy results in a better early postoperative motor outcome and shorter hospitalization compared with patients who underwent the same surgery under GA. The finding of higher cortical thresholds for the identification of the motor cortex in anesthetized patients may suggest an inhibitory effect of anesthetic agents on motor function.
Myelomeningocele (MM) is the most common congenital anomaly to affect the nervous system and affects 1500-2000 newborn infants per year in the United States. It is accompanied by symptomatic hydrocephalus in approximately 70%-80% of patients. Different treatment strategies for hydrocephalus characteristically result in different effects on the size of the ventricles. ⋯ Currently, there is insufficient data to conclude that ventricular size and morphology impact neurocognitive development.The full guideline can be found at
There is a growing attention to determine the factors that predict quality of life (QoL) improvement after deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease. Prior literature has largely focused on examining predictors one at a time, sometimes controlling for covariates. ⋯ Our model accurately predicted whether QoL would improve in patients undergoing subthalamic nucleus DBS 81% of the time. Our data may serve as the foundation to further refine a clinically relevant prognostic tool that would assist the decision-making process for clinicians and DBS multidisciplinary teams assessing patient candidacy for surgery.
The incidence of spina bifida (SB) is higher in the developing world as compared to the United States because of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy. Advances in technology have made prenatal repair of myelomeningocele (MM) possible. ⋯ There was Class II evidence from 1 study and Class III evidence from another 2 studies demonstrating that TCS develops in infants with prenatal MM closure at an equal or higher rate than with postnatal closure. There was an increased risk of development of inclusion cysts in infants who underwent in utero closure. Continued surveillance for TCS and/or the development of inclusion cysts in children with prenatal and postnatal closure of MM is indicated (Level II). Differences between prenatal and postnatal repair with respect to the development of TCS and/or inclusion cysts should be considered alongside other relevant maternal and fetal outcomes when deciding upon a preferred method for MM closure.The full guideline can be found at