Multicenter Study
Prospective, Multicenter Clinical Study of Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm.
Microvascular decompression (MVD) is the most effective procedure for hemifacial spasm (HFS). MVD results from nonspecialized or low-volume institutes are not always reliable. Most studies on MVD for HFS are retrospective and single centered; to the best of our knowledge, no prospective, multicenter studies exist. ⋯ Our study revealed that under expert guidance and intraoperative neuromonitoring, the long-term curative effect rate of MVD for HFS is high, while complications are uncommon and usually transient. Our results indicate that MVD is an effective and safe treatment for patients with HFS, including elderly patients.
Multicenter Study
Predicting Discharge Disposition Following Meningioma Resection Using a Multi-Institutional Natural Language Processing Model.
Machine learning (ML)-based predictive models are increasingly common in neurosurgery, but typically require large databases of discrete variables for training. Natural language processing (NLP) can extract meaningful data from unstructured text. ⋯ ML and NLP are underutilized in neurosurgery. Here, we construct a multi-institutional NLP model that predicts nonhome discharge.
Meta Analysis
Contemporary Analysis of Minimal Clinically Important Difference in the Neurosurgical Literature.
Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) is determined when a patient or physician defines the minimal change that outweighs the costs and untoward effects of a treatment. These measurements are "anchored" to validated quality-of-life instruments or physician-rated, disease-activity indices. To capture the subjective clinical experience in a measurable way, there is an increasing use of MCID. ⋯ MCID evaluates outcomes relative to whether they provide a meaningful change to patients, incorporating the risks and benefits of a treatment. Using MCID in the process of evaluating outcomes helps to avoid the error of interpreting a small but statistically significant outcome difference as being clinically important.
Adult cervical deformity management is complex and is a growing field with many recent advancements. The cervical spine functions to maintain the position of the head and plays a pivotal role in influencing subjacent global spinal alignment and pelvic tilt as compensatory changes occur to maintain horizontal gaze. ⋯ Therefore, the goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of cervical alignment parameters, deformity classification, clinical evaluation, and surgical treatment of adult cervical deformity. The information presented here may be used as a guide for proper preoperative evaluation and surgical treatment in the adult cervical deformity patient.
Routine follow-up head imaging in complicated mild traumatic brain injury (cmTBI) patients has not been shown to alter treatment, improve outcomes, or identify patients in need of neurosurgical intervention. We developed a follow-up head computed tomography (CT) triage algorithm for cmTBI patients to decrease the number of routine follow-up head CT scans obtained in this population. ⋯ Utilizing this protocol, we were able to safely decrease the use of routine follow-up head CT scans in cmTBI patients by 71% without any missed injuries or delayed surgery. Adoption of the protocol was high among all services managing TBI patients.