Chiari malformation type I (CIM) diagnoses have increased in recent years. Controversy regarding the best operative management prompted a review of the literature to offer guidance on surgical interventions. ⋯ This evidence-based clinical guidelines for the treatment of CIM provide 1 Class II and 4 Class III recommendations. In patients with CIM with or without syringomyelia, treatment options include bone decompression with or without duraplasty or cerebellar tonsil reduction. Improved syrinx resolution may potentially be seen with dural patch grafting. Symptom resolution and syrinx resolution did not correlate directly. Reoperation for a persistent syrinx was potentially beneficial if the syrinx had not improved 6 to 12 months after the initial operation. The full guidelines can be seen online at .
Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) has emerged as a precise, incisionless approach to cerebral lesioning and an alternative to neuromodulation in movement disorders. Despite rigorous clinical trials, long-term patient-centered outcome data after MRgFUS for tremor-predominant Parkinson's Disease (TPPD) are relatively lacking. ⋯ Patient satisfaction with FUS thalamotomy for tremor-predominant PD was very high, even at longer term. Extended lesioning to target the motor thalamus did not improve tremor control and may contribute to greater frequency of postoperative motor- and speech-related side effects.
Chiari I malformation (CIM) is characterized by descent of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum, potentially causing symptoms from compression or obstruction of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Diagnosis and treatment of CIM is varied, and guidelines produced through systematic review may be helpful for clinicians. ⋯ Four Grade C recommendations were made based on Class III evidence, and 1 question had insufficient evidence. The full guidelines can be seen online at .
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a widely accepted treatment modality for brain metastases. The role of SRS in patients with higher numbers of metastases remains controversial. ⋯ Single-session SRS is a well-tolerated palliative treatment option even in patients with ≥20 brain metastases, achieving local control rate >90% with low risks of neurotoxicity while continuing concurrent systemic oncological care.