Case Reports
Stenting and secondary coiling of intracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm: technical case report.
Endovascular stents have been successfully used in the treatment of fusiform and dissecting aneurysms of the peripheral circulation and extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries. Technical limitations related to the inability to navigate the stent and the delivery system through tortuous vascular segments has limited their application with intracranial lesions. Availability of new flexible and pliable stent systems might overcome these difficulties. ⋯ New flexible stents can be used to treat intracranial internal carotid artery aneurysms in difficult-to-access areas, such as the horizontal petrous segment. The stent may disrupt the aneurysm inflow tract, thereby inducing stasis and facilitating intra-aneurysmal thrombosis. In addition, the stent acts as an endoluminal scaffold to prevent coil herniation into the parent artery, which allows tight packing of even wide-necked and irregularly shaped aneurysms. The stent may also serve as a matrix for endothelial growth. We think this new generation of flexible stents and the use of this described technique will usher in the next era of endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms.
Biography Historical Article
The beginnings of neurosurgery in California during the pre-Cushing era: 1850-1900.
The end of the present millennium marks the centennial of Harvey Cushing's European study year, after the completion of his surgical residency under William Stewart Halsted at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and just before beginning his surgical practice in Baltimore, Maryland. The year 2000 marks the sesquicentennial of California's admission to the Union as the 31st state. ⋯ This foundation would serve as a cornerstone for surgeons trained by Harvey Cushing (including Howard Naffziger, Carl Rand, and Edward Towne) who would arrive in California early in the 20th century and would define the specialty of neurosurgery. The legacy left by these physicians enhances the celebration of the closure of the millennium.
When using the median infratentorial supracerebellar approach, all or numerous bridging veins over the cerebellar surface must be sacrificed. Such sacrifice potentially causes cerebellar venous infarction, especially when excessive cerebellar retraction is applied. To prevent such potential complications, neurosurgeons must have adequate knowledge of the anatomy of the bridging veins, particularly the hemispheric bridging veins. ⋯ Anatomic familiarity with the bridging veins can minimize their intraoperative sacrifice and avert subsequent postoperative complications. This knowledge also assists in planning the best approach to the pineal region.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Thiopental and desflurane treatment for brain protection.
Thiopental produces cerebral metabolic depression and cerebral vasoconstriction. However, the effect of thiopental on brain tissue oxygen pressure (PO2), carbon dioxide pressure, and pH is not known. In a prospective study, we measured brain tissue gases and pH during thiopental or desflurane treatment that was administered for brain protection during brain artery occlusion. ⋯ Thiopental has a metabolically neutral effect on brain tissue gases and pH, even though it is known to decrease cerebral oxygen consumption. The metabolic depressant and vasodilator effects of desflurane enhance tissue oxygenation and attenuate tissue PO2 reductions produced by artery occlusion. Both thiopental and desflurane inhibit ischemic lactic acidosis and decreases in pH.
The role of chemotherapy in the treatment of low-grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is still unclear. A Phase II study was conducted to determine the benefits and toxicity of the procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV) regimen in patients with low-grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas recurrent after surgery alone or surgery with radiotherapy. ⋯ These results suggest that chemotherapy with PCV is effective in the treatment of recurrent low-grade oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas.