Twenty-six cases of chronic intrathecal morphine administration are described: 19 cases utilizing the Spinalgesic injectable subcutaneous reservoir and 7 cases utilizing the Infusaid implanted infusion pump. In 25 cases, the morphine was delivered into the spinal subarachnoid space, and in 1 case of thalamic pain it was delivered into the temporal horn of the ipsilateral cerebral ventricle. The average duration of usage of the system was 132 days. ⋯ A special and relatively absolute indication for the pump is the situation of pain in the arm, head, or neck areas, in which case the constant morphine levels likely to be achieved with the pump may prevent failure of the method due to intractable nausea or emesis. The subcutaneous reservoir is otherwise to be preferred if the patient's disease is progressing rapidly, if the patient is already institutionalized and likely to remain so, or where the cost of the implanted pump would cause hardship. Either method of delivery of morphine to the subarachnoid space can provide incomparable analgesia without clouding of consciousness, with a very low complication rate.
In patients with Cushing's syndrome or morbid obesity, excessive accumulation of fat in the hips, upper back, abdomen, and mediastinum is well known (1, 3, 7). Excessive deposition of fat in the epidural space is less common, but must be recognized as a potential cause of neurological deficit (1-8). We report a patient with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome, in whom magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) established the specific diagnosis of spinal cord compression secondary to excess epidural fat.
The technique of percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) upper thoracic sympathectomy mandates an exact knowledge of the anatomical location of the sympathetic ganglia. Because conflicting descriptions are given in anatomy texts, we examined the T2 and T3 sympathetic ganglia in 48 sympathetic chains in adult cadavers to measure the exact location of the ganglia. Measurements were made relative to their distances (a) dorsal to the ventral surface of the vertebral body and (b) rostral or caudal to the midpoint of the vertebral body. ⋯ The sympathetic chains lay lateral to and between the heads of the ribs at these levels. A clinical-radiographic correlation study of the sympatholytic effectiveness of various needle electrode placement sites during sympathectomy confirmed these findings. These data have been used to modify the technique of percutaneous RF sympathectomy.
Review Case Reports
Spinal cord proliferative sparganosis in Taiwan: a case report.
A 43-year-old woman suffered from low back pain and bilateral footdrop. A cisternal myelogram unexpected revealed multiple filing defects in the spinal canal extending from the lower cervical region to the caudal equina. ⋯ Histopathological examination showed these organisms to be proliferative sparganum cestode larvae. Although these cestode larval infections have been reported a dozen times in humans from various parts of the world, this is probably the first reported case of spinal cord infection.
Biography Historical Article
Harvey Cushing's Guillain-Barré syndrome: an historical diagnosis.
Harvey Cushing developed an illness in the last months of World War I that made it impossible for him to operate and forced him to bed for over a month. The features of Cushing's malady included symmetrical weakness, numbness, and paresthesias of the hands and feet, areflexia, bilateral facial paresis, diplopia, and fever. ⋯ John Fulton, Cushing's biographer, misdiagnosed the condition as a "vascular polyneuritis," and Harry Zimmerman, who performed Cushing's autopsy, incorrectly attributed his symptoms to occlusion of the abdominal aorta. Based on extensive notes in Cushing's war diary describing the illness, it is readily recognized today as Guillain-Barré syndrome.