Improving neurosurgical quality metrics necessitates the analysis of patient safety indicator (PSI) 04, a measure of failure to rescue (FTR). ⋯ In total, 65.7% of patients were inappropriately flagged as meeting PSI 04 criteria. PSI 04 currently identifies patients with complications unrelated to operating room procedures. Improvement in patient safety within neurosurgery necessitates the development of a subspecialty specific measure to capture FTR.
Very small anterior communicating artery aneurysms (vsACoA) of <5 mm in size are detected in a considerable number of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). Single-center studies report that vsACoA harbor particular risks when treated. ⋯ Very small ruptured ACoA have a higher in-hospital rebleeding rate but are not associated with worse morbidity or mortality.