Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Hypertonic Saline Solution Versus Mannitol for Brain Relaxation During Craniotomies: A Systematic Review and Updated Meta-Analysis.
The preferred osmotic agent used for brain relaxation during craniotomies remains unclear, either mannitol (MAN) or hypertonic saline (HTS). Hence, we sought to compare these solutions in this population. ⋯ In this updated meta-analysis, consistent results suggest that HTS is associated with more beneficial outcomes than MAN in patients undergoing craniotomy.
Persistent neuropathic pain after brachial plexus avulsion (BPA) is common and generally nonresponsive to medical management. Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) lesioning is the last resort for pain management in patients with BPA. This study aims to investigate and compare the outcomes and complications of DREZ procedures. ⋯ DREZ lesioning is effective for intractable pain alleviation after BPA. Compared with RF-assisted DREZ lesioning, MDT is associated with better VAS score improvements and a lower rate of postoperative motor weakness.
Although venous sinus stenting (VSS) improves cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption and decreases intracranial pressure in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), the underlying pathophysiology of IIH is not well understood. We present a review and meta-analysis of the literature on VSS for IIH treatment, focusing on the rates of restenosis and symptom recurrence. ⋯ VSS is effective in alleviating IIH signs and symptoms, but the associated high rates of restenosis and persistent symptoms highlight the need for further investigation of this procedure and other adjunctive treatments for IIH.
Meta Analysis
Hemimegalencephaly: A Systematic Comparison of Functional and Anatomic Hemispherectomy for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy.
Hemimegalencephaly (HME) is a rare diffuse malformation of cortical development characterized by unihemispheric hypertrophy, drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE), hemiparesis, and developmental delay. Definitive treatment for HME-related DRE is hemispheric surgery through either anatomic (AH) or functional hemispherectomy (FH). This individual patient data meta-analysis assessed seizure outcomes of AH and FH for HME with pharmacoresistant epilepsy, predictors of Engel I, and efficacy of different FH approaches. ⋯ We show that hemispheric surgery is a highly effective treatment for HME-related DRE. Unilateral ictal electroencephalography changes and using the FH approach as initial surgical management may result in better outcomes due to significantly lower posthemispherectomy hydrocephalus probability. However, larger HME registries are needed to further delineate the predictors of seizure outcomes.
The addition of adjuvant embolization to radiosurgery has been proposed as a means of improving treatment outcomes of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). However, the relative efficacy and safety of radiosurgery with adjuvant embolization vs radiosurgery alone remain uncertain. Moreover, previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses have included a limited number of studies and did not consider the effects of baseline characteristics, including AVM volume, on the outcomes. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the efficacy of preradiosurgery embolization for intracranial AVMs with consideration to matching status between participants in each treatment group. ⋯ This study provides evidence that although preradiosurgery embolization is a suitable option to reduce the AVM size for future radiosurgical interventions, it may not be useful for same-sized AVMs eligible for radiosurgery. Utilization of preradiosurgery embolization in suitable lesions for radiosurgery may result in the added cost and burden of an endovascular procedure.