Treatment decision-making for brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs) with microsurgery or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is controversial. ⋯ Microsurgery was superior at obliterating bAVMs and preventing further hemorrhage. Despite a higher rate of postoperative neurological deficit with microsurgery, functional status and mortality were comparable with patients who underwent SRS. Microsurgery should remain a first-line consideration for bAVMs, with SRS reserved for inaccessible locations, highly eloquent areas, and medically high-risk or unwilling patients.
Meta Analysis
A Systematic Review Comparing Focused Ultrasound Surgery With Radiosurgery for Essential Tremor.
Focused ultrasound (FUS-T) and stereotactic radiosurgery thalamotomy (SRS-T) targeting the ventral intermediate nucleus are effective incisionless surgeries for essential tremor (ET). However, their efficacy for tremor reduction and, importantly, adverse event incidence have not been directly compared. ⋯ Our systematic review found similar efficacy between FUS-T and SRS-T for ET, with trend toward higher efficacy yet greater adverse event incidence with FUS-T. Smaller lesion volumes could mitigate FUS-T off-target effects for greater safety.
Meta Analysis
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials for Scalp Block in Craniotomy.
Scalp block is regional anesthetic injection along nerves innervating the cranium. Scalp blocks for craniotomy may decrease postoperative pain and opioid consumption. Benefits may extend beyond the anesthetic period. ⋯ Scalp block reduces postoperative pain at 2 through 48 hours and may reduce pain at 72 hours. Scalp block likely reduces opioid consumption within 24 hours and may reduce opioid consumption to 48 hours. The clinical utility of these differences should be interpreted within the context of modest absolute reductions, overall care optimization, and patient populations. This is the first level 1A evidence to evaluate scalp block efficacy in craniotomy.