Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Nonawake vs Awake Placement of Spinal Cord Stimulators: A Prospective, Multicenter Study Comparing Safety and Efficacy.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a common intervention for managing intractable pain. Generally, leads are implanted in a minimally invasive procedure with verbal feedback regarding the location and nature of generated paresthesias by active stimulation; in this way their optimal location can be confirmed. However, lead placement under general anesthesia can have additional benefits. ⋯ Electrophysiological monitoring during asleep SCS implantation is a robust tool becoming more frequently used. This comparative prospective series demonstrates that asleep placement allows for shorter procedure and operating room times with superior paresthesia coverage profiles, while maintaining lower adverse events and equal clinical outcomes for pain relief.
Multicenter Study
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Intracranial Ependymomas: An International Multicenter Study.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a potentially important option for intracranial ependymoma patients. ⋯ SRS provides another management option for residual or recurrent progressive intracranial ependymoma patients who have failed initial surgery and RT.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Robotic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases Diagnosed With Either SPACE or MPRAGE Sequence (CYBER-SPACE)-A Single-Center Prospective Randomized Trial.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) of brain metastases (BM) is recommended in oligometastatic scenarios as a less toxic treatment alternative to whole-brain radiotherapy. Recent findings support SRS for patients with multiple (>3) BM. Furthermore, advances in MR imaging have facilitated the detection of very small BM, as advances in SRS technology have facilitated the highly conformal and simultaneous treatment of multiple target lesions. ⋯ The present study is the first to prospectively assess the benefit of sensitive imaging and repeated stereotactic irradiation in the treatment of patients with multiple BM. It represents a novel approach, where in a palliative setting advanced technology in treatment and diagnostics is employed to improve tumor control while also reducing toxicity and preserving quality of life.