Meta Analysis
Coiling Versus Microsurgical Clipping in the Treatment of Unruptured Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms: A Meta-Analysis.
Open microsurgical clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysms has long been the gold standard, yet advancements in endovascular coiling techniques have begun to challenge the status quo. ⋯ This updated meta-analysis demonstrates that surgical clipping for unruptured MCAA remains highly safe and efficacious. Endovascular treatment for unruptured MCAAs continues to improve in efficacy and safety; yet, it results in lower rates of occlusion.
Frameless, non-isocentric irradiation of an extended segment of the trigeminal nerve introduces new concepts in stereotactic radiosurgery for medically resistant trigeminal neuralgia (TN). ⋯ Targeting a 6-mm segment of the trigeminal nerve with a prescribed dose of 60 Gy appears safe and effective. Persistent pain control was achieved in most patients with acceptable risk of sensory complications, which were typically found after re-irradiation.
Thrombolysis is the standard of care for acute ischemic stroke patients presenting in the appropriate time window. Studies suggest that the risk of recurrent ischemia is lower if carotid revascularization is performed early after the index event. The safety of early carotid revascularization in this patient population is unclear. ⋯ Thrombolysis is a strong risk factor for ICH, PPS, poor outcome, and in-hospital mortality in patients with carotid stenosis/occlusion who undergo carotid revascularization. The increased risk of ICH or PPS due to tPA declines with time after thrombolysis. Delaying carotid revascularization in these patients may therefore be appropriate. This delay, however, will expose these patients to the risk of recurrent stroke. Future studies are needed to determine the relative risks of these 2 adverse events.
Gamma knife radiosurgery (GKRS) is recognized as an important treatment modality for meningioma. ⋯ GKRS appears to be an effective treatment modality for meningioma with long-term follow-up. However, the identification of delayed tumor progression in our study suggests that extended follow-up data should be collected after GKRS.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of early decompression and stabilization in unstable spine injuries with incomplete neurological deficits. However, a clear consensus on timing to operative intervention still does not exist in those with a normal neurological exam and unstable spine. ⋯ Earlier operative intervention was associated with decreased ICULOS, ventilator days, and postoperative HLOS and did not show a statistically significant increase in EBL or complications. Earlier operative intervention for traumatic spine injuries without neurological deficit provides better outcomes compared to delayed surgery.