In degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM), the dynamics of disease progression and the outcome after surgical decompression vary interindividually and do not necessarily correlate with radiological findings. ⋯ Based on these results, we propose a new concept for functional compensation for DCM on the cortical and spinal level, ie corticospinal reserve capacity. nTMS is a useful tool to noninvasively characterize the pattern of functional impairment and compensatory reorganization in patients suffering from DCM. The change in nTMS parameters might serve as a valuable prognostic factor in these patients in the future.
A host of influences contribute to cognitive and behavioral changes following deep brain stimulation. The location of the active cathode is likely an important variable but it has received little attention. ⋯ Location of the active contact is related to nonmotor outcomes, even in electrodes that are adequately placed. This is relevant to clinical care as there appears to be a trade-off between mood and fluency abilities that should be considered during surgical planning according to preoperative patient characteristics.
Atypical pituitary adenomas (APAs) are a subset of pituitary adenomas (PAs) characterized by the 2004 World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines to have higher risk histopathological features than typical PAs. In July 2017, the WHO published an update to their classification of pituitary tumors and abandoned the APA terminology. ⋯ Based on diagnostic variability and lack of association with clinical outcomes, refinement of criteria for APA was necessary. The WHO update eliminates the ambiguity in APA diagnosis in favor of criteria that emphasize clinical behavior (invasion, recurrence, and resistance to treatment) and molecular markers. Our review supports abandonment of the previous APA designation due to limited prognostic utility.
The relationship between cerebral aneurysm size and risk of rupture is well documented, but the impact of aneurysms on distal intracranial hemodynamics is unknown. ⋯ Larger aneurysm size correlates with higher ipsilateral MCA PI, demonstrating that aneurysms affect distal intracranial hemodynamics.