Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Automated, patient-interactive, spinal cord stimulator adjustment: a randomized controlled trial.
Programmable, multicontact, implanted stimulation devices represent an important advance in spinal cord stimulation for the management of pain. They facilitate the technical goal of covering areas of pain by stimulation-evoked paresthesiae. Adjustment after implantation requires major investments of time and effort, however, if the capabilities of these devices are to be used to full advantage. The objective of maximizing coverage should be met while using practitioners' time efficiently. ⋯ Automated, patient-interactive adjustment of implanted spinal cord stimulators is significantly more effective and more efficient than traditional manual methods of adjustment. It offers not only improved clinical efficacy but also potential cost savings in extending implanted battery life. It has the additional potential advantages of standardization, quality control, and record keeping, to facilitate clinical research and patient care. It should enhance the clinical application of spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of chronic intractable pain.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Preliminary clinical experience with the Bryan Cervical Disc Prosthesis.
The concept of accelerated degeneration of adjacent disc levels as a consequence of increased stress caused by interbody fusion of the cervical spine has been widely postulated. Therefore, reconstruction of a failed intervertebral disc with a functional disc prosthesis should offer the same benefits as fusion while simultaneously providing motion and thereby protecting the adjacent level discs from the abnormal stresses associated with fusion. This study was designed to determine whether a new, functional intervertebral cervical disc prosthesis can provide relief from objective neurological symptoms and signs, improve the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living, decrease pain, and provide stability and normal range of motion. ⋯ Discectomy and implantation of the device alleviates neurological symptoms and signs similar to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Radiographic evidence supports normal range of motion. The procedure is safe and the patients recover quickly. Restrictive postoperative management is not necessary. However, only after long-term follow-up of at least 5 years will it become clear whether the device remains functional, thus confirming these early favorable results. In addition, the influence on adjacent motion segments can be assessed after at least 5 years of follow-up.
Multicenter Study
Traumatic intracerebellar hemorrhage: clinicoradiological analysis of 81 patients.
We report 81 patients with a traumatic intracerebellar hemorrhagic contusion or hematoma managed between 1996 and 1998 at 13 Italian neurosurgical centers. ⋯ This study describes clinicoradiological findings and prognostic factors regarding traumatic cerebellar injury. A general consensus emerged from this analysis that a conservative approach can be considered a viable, safe treatment option for noncomatose patients with intracerebellar clots measuring less than or equal to 3 cm, except when associated with other extradural or subdural posterior fossa focal lesions. Also, a general consensus was reached that surgery should be recommended for all patients with clots larger than 3 cm. The pathogenesis, biomechanics, and optimal management criteria of these rare lesions are still unclear, and larger observational studies are necessary.
To present the first national multicenter study on complications after epilepsy surgery procedures to include all epilepsy surgery centers in Sweden: Göteborg, Linköping, Lund, Stockholm, Umeå, and Uppsala. ⋯ This is the first national multicenter study on complications after epilepsy surgery. It demonstrates that these procedures as performed at six different centers in Sweden are safe, but also that risk is related to age. In patients younger than age 35 years, the risk for a major complication after invasive subdural strip electrode investigation and epilepsy surgery is low.
Multicenter Study
A prospective population-based study of pediatric trauma patients with mild alterations in consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13-14).
Considerable controversy surrounds the appropriate evaluation of children with mild alterations in consciousness after closed head trauma (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] score of 13-14). The objective of the current study was to determine the incidence of intracranial lesions in pediatric patients with a field GCS score of 13 or 14 after closed head injuries. ⋯ Pediatric patients who have mild alterations in consciousness in the field have a significant incidence of intracranial injury. The great majority of these patients will not require operative intervention, but the implications of missing these hemorrhages can be severe for this subgroup of head-injured patients. Because clinical criteria and cranial x-rays are poor predictors of intracranial hemorrhage, it is recommended that all children with a GCS score of 13 or 14 routinely undergo screening via non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography.