Although stroke has recently dropped to become the nation's fifth leading cause of mortality, it remains the top leading cause of morbidity and disability in the US. Recent advances in stroke treatment, including intravenous fibrinolysis and mechanical thromboembolectomy, allow treatment of a greater proportion of stroke patients than ever before. While intra-arterial fibrinolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen is an effective for treatment of a broad range of acute ischemic strokes, endovascular mechanical thromboembolectomy procedures treat severe strokes due to large artery occlusions, often resistant to intravenous drug. ⋯ Cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury (CIRI) is defined as deterioration of brain tissue suffered from ischemia that concomitantly reverses the benefits of re-establishing cerebral blood flow following mechanical or chemical therapies for acute ischemic stroke. Herein, we examine the pathophysiology of CIRI, imaging modalities, and potential neuroprotective strategies. Additionally, we sought to lay down a potential treatment approach for patients with CIRI following emergent endovascular recanalization for acute ischemic stroke.
The lack of nerve regeneration and functional recovery occurs frequently when injuries involve large nerve trunks because insufficient mature axons reach their targets in the distal stump and because of the loss of neurotrophic support, primarily from Schwann cells (SCs). ⋯ TGF-β plus forskolin treatment of chronically injured nerve improved axonal regeneration and increased expression of regeneration-associated proteins beyond the repair site. This suggests that a single application at the site of repair has mitogenic effects that extended distally and may potentially overcome the decrease in regenerated axon over long distance.