Evaluation & the health professions
Loneliness is usually a chronic condition which may lead to physical and psychological undesirable consequences, and requires measurement and intervention. This study was conducted with the aim of preparing a Persian version of the 11-item de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale and evaluating its psychometric properties among the Iranian older adults. After applying the translation-back translation method, the prepared script was subjected to the face and content validity evaluations and a Persian version of the scale was prepared. ⋯ The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed two factors for the scale. Also, the results of the intra-class correlation coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient demonstrated that the scale had acceptable reliability. The Persian version of the 11-item de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale is an appropriate tool for measuring loneliness in the Iranian older adults.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Instruments: Reliability and Validity in Veterans Following Orthopedic Surgery.
The patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) offers standardized assessment measures of clinically relevant patient-reported outcomes. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of select PROMIS measures with U. S. military veterans following orthopedic surgery. ⋯ The PROMIS measures were moderately correlated with their respective comparison measures (r = .69 to .76). The PROMIS anxiety and PROMIS depression measures were highly correlated to one another (r = .91). Findings highlight the potential utility of these PROMIS measures in veterans following orthopedic surgery and the overlap between the PROMIS depression and anxiety measures in this sample.
Observational Study
Examining the Effects of Narrative Commentary on Evaluators' Summative Assessments of Resident Performance.
Anchor-based, end-of-shift ratings are commonly used to conduct performance assessments of resident physicians. These performance evaluations often include narrative assessments, such as solicited or "free-text" commentary. Although narrative commentary can help to create a more detailed and specific assessment of performance, there are limited data describing the effects of narrative commentary on the global assessment process. ⋯ The addition of narrative commentary to anchor-based ratings significantly influenced the global performance assessment of Emergency Medicine residents by a committee of educators. Descriptive commentary collected at the end of shift may inform more meaningful appraisal of a resident's progress in a milestone-based paradigm. The authors recommend clinical training programs collect unstructured narrative impressions of residents' performance from supervising faculty.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The Effect of Varying Incentive Amounts on Physician Survey Response.
A major challenge with surveying physicians is low response. In this article, we present results of an experiment conducted to determine the optimal monetary incentive amount for gaining response from physicians to a short screener survey. Sampled physicians were randomly assigned to three prepaid cash incentive conditions (US$2, US$5, US$10) compared to a control (US$0). ⋯ In addition, any incentive amount increased the likelihood of early response compared to no incentive. This study builds on previously mixed results about the effects of various incentive amounts and effect on early survey response. These findings provide practical advice for researchers surveying physicians.
The Pearlin Mastery (PM) Scale is frequently used in health research to assess individuals' personal mastery or the extent to which they believe they are in control of their own lives. It has been adapted from English into multiple languages including Spanish. However, no studies have assessed the psychometric properties of Spanish translations of the scale. ⋯ Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) indicated that the 5-item version used in the literature yields a unidimensional factor structure as expected; however, multiple-group CFA revealed that the PM Scale items did not load equivalently on the factor across samples. This indicates that the Spanish version of the PM Scale may not measure mastery consistently across groups, possibly due to differences in respondents' semantic understanding of items or differences in the meaning of the construct itself. Findings suggest that researchers seeking to measure personal mastery in Spanish-speaking participants from diverse cultural backgrounds should consider alternative approaches including the development of new instruments.