Médecine et maladies infectieuses
Despite breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, meningitis still remains an important cause of mortality and morbidity. An accurate and rapid diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis is essential for a good outcome. The gold-standard test for diagnosis is CSF analysis. ⋯ Furthermore, in the early phases of acute bacterial and viral meningitis, signs and symptoms are often non specific and it is not always possible to make a differential diagnosis. Markers like CRP, procalcitonin, or sTREM-1 may be very useful for the diagnosis and to differentiate between viral and bacterial meningitis. Bacterial meningitis diagnosis and management require various biological tests and a multidisciplinary approach.
Bacterial meningitis in adults is a severe disease, with high fatality and morbidity rates. Experimental studies showed that the inflammatory response in the subarachnoid space is associated with unfavorable outcome. In these experiments, corticosteroids, and in particular dexamethasone, were able to reduce the inflammatory cascades in the subarachnoid space. ⋯ A quantitative review showed a consistent beneficial effect of dexamethasone on mortality and a borderline statistical beneficial effect on neurologic sequels. On the basis of available evidence, adjunctive dexamethasone therapy should be initiated before or with the first dose of antibiotics and continued for four days in all adults with suspected or proven community bacterial meningitis in high-income countries, regardless of bacterial etiology. Since prompt use of dexamethasone and appropriate antibiotics improves the prognosis of adults with bacterial meningitis, hospitals will need protocols to include dexamethasone with the initial antibiotic therapy.
The annual incidence of community acquired meningitis ranges between 0.6 and four per 100,000 adults in industrialized countries. The most common causative bacteria are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Listeria monocytogenes. The emergence of resistance to antibiotics, especially for S. pneumoniae, could explain the clinical failure of third generation cephalosporins used to treat adults with S. pneumoniae meningitis. The present therapeutic suggestions are more based on the extrapolation of an experimental model than on relevant clinical trials.
Clinical diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis may be delayed, either because off lack of sensitivity of clinical signs, or because of a poor vital prognosis; but over diagnosing is also frequent, leading to useless, expensive, and potentially dangerous hospitalizations. We conducted a comprehensive review of English and French literature from 1997 to 2007 by searching MEDLINE to review the accuracy of clinical examination for the diagnosis of meningitis. Additional references were identified by reviewing reference lists of articles back to 1993. ⋯ Sensitivity for clinical signs such as headache, vomiting, or fever was low, generally less than 30%, neck stiffness could reach 45%, but the absence of two signs among fever, headache, neck stiffness, and altered mental status eliminated meningitis with a negative predictive value of 95%. Given the seriousness of bacterial meningitis, clinicians perform lumbar puncture (or brain imaging) too often, especially in high-risk patients. Further prospective clinical research is needed to improve the accuracy of bacterial meningitis clinical diagnosis.
[Managing adult patients with acute community-acquired meningitis presumed of bacterial origin].
Early clinical data must lead to suspect bacterial meningitis if fever, the most frequent sign, is present and if it is associated with more or less constant neurological and meningeal signs (consciousness impairment, headache, neck stiffness, focal neurological deficit, seizure, etc.). A skin rash is frequent in case of meningococcal meningitis whereas cranial nerve palsy is more in favor of tuberculous or Listeria meningitis. Presence of otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, or a recent head trauma strongly suggests a pneumococcal involvement. ⋯ The management of patient after hospital discharge depends on evolution after treatment. The presence of neurological sequels imposes a specialized ambulatory follow-up. Neuropsychological sequels (cognitive dysfunction, memory impairment) can also persist for years even in absence of other neurological disorders.