Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus · May 1979
Case ReportsUnilateral optic neuropathy following vincristine chemotherapy.
Two subjects with acute lymphatic leukemia have been observed to have unilateral optic neuropathy five to seven days following administration of Vincristine (2.0 mg/sq m) during maintenance chemotherapy. Both subjects were in mission at the time their ocular problems developed. After discontinuance of Vincristine therapy, marked vision improvement in the affected eye occurred over the ensuing months. It is presumed that Vincristine therapy was the cause of toxic optic neuropathy in these patients.
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus · May 1978
Case ReportsPosttraumatic subgaleal hematoma extending into the orbit as a cause of permanent blindness.
A delayed subgaleal hematoma developing after blunt head trauma extended into the right orbit to form a subperiosteal hematoma on the orbital roof. Permanent blindness was found in the involved eye six days after the injury.