Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus · Mar 2012
Twelve-year review of pediatric traumatic open globe injuries in an urban U.S. population.
To evaluate the epidemiology, anatomical characteristics, and clinical outcomes of pediatric traumatic open globe injuries and to compare the observed final visual acuity to the expected visual acuity as predicted by the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS). ⋯ The visual prognosis in pediatric open globe injury is poor. The zone of injury may correlate with poor final visual acuity, risk of retinal detachment, and subsequent need for an enucleation. The final predicted visual acuity correlated well with the observed final visual acuity in these patients.
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus · Nov 2011
Editorial CommentPhysician etiquette in pediatric ophthalmology.
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus · Jun 2011
Case ReportsComplete regression of retinoblastoma following intra-arterial chemotherapy.
A 22-month-old girl with Group C unilateral retinoblastoma demonstrated dramatic tumor regression after two infusions of 5 mg of intra-arterial melphalan as primary therapy. Complete tumor control without recurrence was noted at 1 year. Retinal and choroidal perfusion was intact and the electroretinogram improved following therapy.