Calcified tissue international
Calcif. Tissue Int. · Apr 2005
Long-term morbidity and mortality after a clinically diagnosed vertebral fracture in the elderly--a 12- and 22-year follow-up of 257 patients.
The objective of this study was to analyze the long-term morbidity and mortality in patients with a clinically diagnosed vertebral fracture. Seventy men with a mean age of 70 years (range 50-91 years) and 187 women with a mean age of 72 years (range 50-96 years) were radiographically diagnosed as having a vertebral fracture in the thoracic or lumbar spine at the Malmö University Hospital (Sweden) during 1979. At the time of a follow-up examination 12 years later, 56 of the 76 patients who were still alive participated in an investigation that evaluated back pain and subjective health status by a questionnaire. ⋯ The mortality rate during the 22 years following the diagnosis among the male patients was 111.7 per 1,000 person-years as compared with 73.4 per 1,000 person-years among the male population at risk. The mortality rate among the female patients was 95.1 per 1,000 person-years as compared with 62.0 per 1,000 person-years among the female population at risk. We conclude that a clinically diagnosed thoracic or lumbar vertebral fracture in the elderly can be regarded as a risk factor for subsequent, long-term morbidity, especially in women, and for mortality in both genders.
Calcif. Tissue Int. · Apr 2005
Osteoprotegerin treatment impairs remodeling and apparent material properties of callus tissue without influencing structural fracture strength.
The influence of osteoprotegerin (OPG) treatment on callus formation, callus tissue structural strength, apparent material properties, and histology of tibia fractures in rats was investigated after 3 weeks and 8 weeks of healing. OPG was given intravenously (10 mg/kg twice weekly) during the entire observation period, and control animals with fractures received vehicle only. ⋯ The experiment demonstrates that OPG treatment does not influence the early callus expansion and fracture strength. However, during the subsequent period of remodelling, OPG treatment impairs the normal remodeling and consolidation processes.
Calcif. Tissue Int. · Mar 2005
Meta Analysis Comparative StudyVitamin D analogs versus native vitamin D in preventing bone loss and osteoporosis-related fractures: a comparative meta-analysis.
It has been suggested that early postmenopausal women and patients treated with steroids should receive preventive therapy (calcium, vitamin D, vitamin D analogs, estrogens, or bisphosphonates) to preserve their bone mineral density (BMD) and to avoid fragility fractures. We designed the present study to compare the effects of native vitamin D to its hydroxylated analogs alfacalcidol 1-alpha(OH)D and calcitriol 1,25(OH)(2)D. All randomized, controlled, double-blinded trials comparing oral native vitamin D and its analogs, alfacalcidol or calcitriol, to placebo or head-to-head trials in primary or corticosteroids-induced osteoporosis were included in the meta-analysis. ⋯ Our analysis demonstrates a superiority of the D analogs atfacalcidol and calcitriol in preventing bone loss and spinal fractures in primary osteoporosis, including postmenopausal women. In corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis, the efficacy of D analogs differed depending on the comparative approach: indirect comparisons led to nonsignificant differences, whereas direct comparison did provide significant differences. In this setting, D analogs seem to prevent spinal fractures to a greater extent than do native vitamin D, but this assumption should be confirmed on a comprehensive basis in multiarm studies including an inactive comparator.
Calcif. Tissue Int. · Oct 2004
Soft drink and milk consumption, physical activity, bone mass, and upper limb fractures in children: a population-based case-control study.
Carbonated beverages have been reported to increase fracture risk in children but the mechanism is unclear. The aim of this population-based case-control study was to investigate the association between soft drink and milk consumption, physical activity, bone mass, and upper limb fractures in children aged 9-16 years. A total of 206 fracture cases and 206 randomly selected individually matched controls were studied. ⋯ No association with other fracture sites was observed. In conclusion, cola, but not total carbonated beverage consumption, is associated with increased wrist and forearm fracture risk in children. However, this association is not independent of other factors and appears to be mediated by television watching and bone mineral density but not by decreased milk intake.
Calcif. Tissue Int. · Sep 2004
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe effect of calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation on the healing of the proximal humerus fracture: a randomized placebo-controlled study.
The purpose of this study was to (1) quantify the healing process of the human osteoporotic proximal humerus fracture (PHF) expressed in terms of callus formation over the fracture region using BMD scanning, and (2) quantify the impact of medical intervention with vitamin D3 and calcium on the healing process of the human osteoporotic fracture. The conservatively treated PHF was chosen in order to follow the genuine fracture healing without influence of osteosynthetic materials or casts. Thirty women (mean age = 78 years; range = 58-88) with a PHF, osteoporosis or osteopenia (based on a hip scan, WHO criteria), and not taking any drugs related to bone formation, including calcium or vitamin D supplementation, were randomly assigned to either oral 800 IU vitamin D3 plus 1 g calcium or placebo, in a double-blind prospective study. ⋯ Thirty seven percent of the patients presented with vitamin D levels below 30 nmol/l, indicative of mild vitamin D insufficiency. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that it is possible to quantify callus formation of the PHF with sufficiently high precision to demonstrate the positive influence of vitamin D3 and calcium over the first 6 weeks after fracture. Whether this results in more stable fractures, extends to other fracture types, or applies to other osteogenic bone agents such as bisphosphonates remains to be examined.