Annals of emergency medicine
Comparative Study
Modified N95 mask delivers high inspired oxygen concentrations while effectively filtering aerosolized microparticles.
In a pandemic, hypoxic patients will require an effective oxygen (O2) delivery mask that protects them from inhaling aerosolized particles produced by others, as well as protecting the health care provider from exposure from the patient. We modified an existing N95 mask to optimize O2 supplementation while maintaining respiratory isolation. ⋯ An N95 mask can be modified to administer a clinically equivalent FiO2 to a nonrebreathing mask while maintaining its filtration and isolation capabilities.
Our aim is to develop a risk-stratification model for use by emergency department (ED) clinical staff in the assessment of patients attending with self-harm. ⋯ Application of this simple, highly sensitive rule may facilitate assessment in the ED and help to focus psychiatric resources on patients at higher risk.
Practice Guideline
Tobacco control interventions in the emergency department: a joint statement of emergency medicine organizations.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and illness in the United States. National practice guidelines call for all health care providers to "ask" all patients about tobacco use, and to "advise, assess, assist, arrange" when smokers want to quit smoking (the "5 As"). Emergency departments (EDs) have not been an important locus of tobacco control efforts, although ED patients typically smoke at rates exceeding that of the general population, are interested in quitting, and often have limited access to primary care. ⋯ Given the global burden of tobacco-related illness, the task force considers it essential for emergency physicians to conduct research into the efficacy of ED-based interventions and to place tobacco control into the training curriculum for emergency medicine residencies. Tobacco control fits within the traditions of other ED-based public health practices, such as injury control. ED-based tobacco control would allow the specialty to help fulfill the Healthy People 2010 mandate to reduce the prevalence of smoking among US citizens.
To determine the resources available and current practices for the treatment of patients with suicidal ideation or attempts in California emergency departments (EDs). ⋯ In California EDs, there are limited mental health services for suicidal patients. Regional solutions to emergency and nonemergency mental health problems are needed, including improved access to mental health personnel for ED evaluation, disposition, and follow-up of suicidal patients and community mental health resources for patient referrals.