Annals of emergency medicine
We determine the frequency of moderate or severe headache during the first 24 hours after an emergency department (ED) visit for a primary headache disorder (such as migraine or tension-type headache), determine the burden of headache during the 3 months after the ED visit, and identify predictors of poor pain and functional outcomes after ED discharge for each of these periods. ⋯ Regardless of type of primary headache disorder, ED headache patients frequently experience pain and functional impairment during the hours and months after discharge.
Practice Guideline
Clinical policy: neuroimaging and decisionmaking in adult mild traumatic brain injury in the acute setting.
This clinical policy provides evidence-based recommendations on select issues in the management of adult patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the acute setting. It is the result of joint efforts between the American College of Emergency Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and was developed by a multidisciplinary panel. The critical questions addressed in this clinical policy are: (1) Which patients with mild TBI should have a noncontrast head computed tomography (CT) scan in the emergency department (ED)? (2) Is there a role for head magnetic resonance imaging over noncontrast CT in the ED evaluation of a patient with acute mild TBI? (3) In patients with mild TBI, are brain specific serum biomarkers predictive of an acute traumatic intracranial injury? (4) Can a patient with an isolated mild TBI and a normal neurologic evaluation result be safely discharged from the ED if a noncontrast head CT scan shows no evidence of intracranial injury? Inclusion criteria for application of this clinical policy's recommendations are nonpenetrating trauma to the head, presentation to the ED within 24 hours of injury, a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 14 or 15 on initial evaluation in the ED, and aged 16 years or greater. The primary outcome measure for questions 1, 2, and 3 is the presence of an acute intracranial injury on noncontrast head CT scan; the primary outcome measure for question 4 is the occurrence of neurologic deterioration.
The epidemiology of children who present to the emergency department (ED) and leave without being seen has not been well characterized. We evaluate rates and secular trends of children who leave without being seen, identify factors associated with pediatric leave without being seen cases, and determine whether there are differences in leaving patterns between children and adults seeking emergency care. ⋯ In this national sample of patients, leave without being seen rates were similar for pediatric and adult patients and did not increase during the 6-year study period, although some variation in rates was observed for specific patient and ED characteristics. These national estimates provide an important reference for institutions to assess their ED performance.
Severe myocardial ischemia is the leading cause of arrhythmic sudden cardiac death. It is unclear, however, in which percentage of patients sudden cardiac death is triggered by ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and whether the diagnosis of STEMI can be reliably established immediately after resuscitation from out-of-hospital sudden cardiac death. ⋯ The diagnosis of STEMI can be established in the field immediately after return of spontaneous circulation in most patients. This may enable an early decision about reperfusion therapy, ie, immediate out-of-hospital thrombolysis or targeted transfer for percutaneous coronary intervention.