Annals of emergency medicine
Therapeutic hypothermia is an effective intervention for the postresuscitative care of patients who have sustained a cardiac arrest. There has been only 1 documented case of successful resuscitation of a pregnant patient and fetus with therapeutic hypothermia, with an abbreviated developmental follow-up of the child. ⋯ The mother's cardiac and neurologic function was normal 36 months after the arrest, and the child has reached all growth and neurodevelopmental milestones. We present a case demonstrating excellent immediate and long-term maternal-fetal neurologic, cardiac, and developmental outcomes after the use of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest in a pregnant patient.
We seek to determine whether patients living in areas affected by emergency department (ED) closure, with subsequent increased distance to the nearest ED, have a higher risk of inpatient death from time-sensitive conditions. ⋯ In this large population-based sample, less than 10% of the patients experienced an increase in distance to the nearest ED, and of that group, the majority had less than a 1-mile increase. These small increased distances to the nearest ED were not associated with higher inpatient mortality among time-sensitive conditions.