Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie
Polyamines spermidine and spermine and their precursor putrescine are necessary for cell growth. Polyamine content is high in rapidly growing malignant cells, due to enhanced putrescine synthesis by ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), and increased uptake. In contrast to other cells of the body, colon cancer cells are exposed to high putrescine concentrations from the lumen. ⋯ Enhanced proliferation in colon cancer cells is associated with increased SAMDC activity and rapid conversion of putrescine to spermidine and spermine. SAMDC might be a preferable target for therapeutic attempts to impair growth by reducing intracellular polyamine pools in colon cancer.
Idiopathic chronic singultus (ICS) describes recurring episodes of persistent hiccuping lasting longer than an arbitrary time limit (e.g. one month) for which no organic cause or consistently effective treatment can be found. It has been suggested that ICS may result from chronic stimulation of a supraspinal "hiccup center" by impulses originating from receptors in the gastrointestinaltract. This hypotesis implies the possibility of treating ICS by reducing gastric acid (via omeprazole), facilitating gastric emptying (via cisapride), or suppressing of the "hiccup centre" (via GABA-ergic offects of baclofen or gabapentin). 29 patients (28 male, one female; age 71 +/- 10 years) suffering from ICS for four to 564 months were treated with a combination of cisapride (30 mg/d), omeprazole (20 mg/d) and baclofen (45 mg/d) (COB). ⋯ Hiccuping ceased in one and improved in two of these ten subjects. We conclude that COB is an effective empirical therapy in the majority of patients with ICS. It may be useful to substitute gabapentin for baclofen in those not responding to COB.
The diagnosis of diffuse type gastric carcinoma is very difficult. The delay of diagnosis is often due to false-negative endoscopic and histologic evaluation. The architecture of the stomach can be clearly visualized by endosonography. ⋯ Therefore, the positive predictive value of endosonography in detection of infiltrating malignant tumors was 96.8% in our group. In contrast the accuracy of preoperative histologic diagnosis by biopsies was only 58%. Suspicious results of gastroscopy, especially in combination with a negative biopsy, should lead to further evaluation by endosonography to detect diffuse type gastric cancer earlier.
We report on a 2.5-year-old boy, who presented with vomiting since one week and periorbital and pitting edema. Laboratory studies revealed hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia without signs of renal or liver disease. The cause of protein loss was giant fold gastritis disclosed by upper endoscopy. ⋯ While the etiology of Ménétrier's disease is still unknown, the benign pediatric hypertrophic gastropathies have been associated with infections, primarily CMV and occasionally helicobacter pylori, herpes simplex and mycoplasma. Supportive treatment with a high-protein-diet and intravenous albumin transfusions is recommended. H2-receptor antagonists might improve symptoms.
Esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis is a rare benign condition with the cardinal symptom of dysphagia mostly due to inflammatory strictures. The disease frequently develops in connection with alcohol abuse and esophageal reflux, candidiasis or motility disorders. Characteristic is the radiological visualization of intramural saccular contrast accumulations. ⋯ These four patients had a pathological reflux with marked esophagitis and inflammatory strictures. We achieved long-lasting therapeutic results with complete relief by bougienage and reflux therapy with additional candidiasis treatment in two and motility treatment in one patient each. The detailed discussion deals with the clinical aspects, characteristics, therapy and pathogenesis.