Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric cardiology · Feb 2014
Factors associated with the occurrence and treatment of supraventricular tachycardia in a pediatric congenital heart disease cohort.
In patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), the association between supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), type of pathophysiology, and therapeutic interventions in a population-based cohort warrants further examination. A retrospective, longitudinal 15-year data set (1996-2010) was analyzed. Inclusion criteria included age ≤17 years, enrolled in South Carolina State Medicaid, and diagnosed as having one or more CHDs as well as SVT. ⋯ Children who had an atrial septal defect secundum (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.03) and those treated with diuretic or antiarrhythmic medication (aOR = 1.80) were significantly more likely to undergo SVT ablation, whereas those with late-onset pulmonary hypertension (ages 6-12 years old) were significantly less likely to undergo SVT ablation. SVT recurred in only 14 of 166 patients who underwent SVT ablation. Multiple medical interventions at an early age may increase the risk of SVT occurrence in young CHD patients regardless of the severity/complexity of the CHD.
Pediatric cardiology · Feb 2014
Comparative StudyThe ability of stroke volume variation measured by a noninvasive cardiac output monitor to predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated children.
Continuous noninvasive cardiac output monitoring (NICOM) is a clinically useful tool in the pediatric setting. This study compared the ability of stroke volume variation (SVV) measured by NICOM with that of respiratory variations in the velocity of aortic blood flow (△Vpeak) and central venous pressure (CVP) to predict of fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated children after ventricular septal defect repair. The study investigated 26 mechanically ventilated children after the completion of surgery. ⋯ Before volume expansion, △Vpeak and SVV were higher in the responders (both p values <0.001). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of △Vpeak, SVV, and CVP were respectively 0.956 (95 % CI 0.885-1.00), 0.888 (95 % CI 0.764-1.00), and 0.331 (95 % CI 0.123-0.540). This study showed that SVV by NICOM and △Vpeak by echocardiography, but not CVP, reliably predicted fluid responsiveness during mechanical ventilation after ventricular septal defect repair in children.
Pediatric cardiology · Feb 2014
Clinical Trial Observational StudyUse of Confidex to control perioperative bleeding in pediatric heart surgery: prospective cohort study.
Bleeding during and after cardiac surgery is a major issue in pediatric patients. A prospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a commercially available prothrombin complex (Confidex) administered in cardiac surgery after weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass of infants with nonsurgical bleeding. In this study, 14 patients younger than 1 year received a Confidex bolus and were matched with 11 patients of a similar age who did not receive the drug. ⋯ The median stay in the intensive care unit was 6 days (range 5-9 days) in the Confidex group and 7 days (range 4-12 days) in the control group (p = 0.88). The use of Confidex for infants undergoing cardiac surgery was safe and effective. It reduced postoperative bleeding and allowed fewer units of packed red blood cells to be infused in the postoperative phase without major side effects.
Pediatric cardiology · Feb 2014
Academic proficiency in children after early congenital heart disease surgery.
Children with early surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) are known to have impaired neurodevelopment; their performance on school-age achievement tests and their need for special education remains largely unexplored. The study aimed to determine predictors of academic achievement at school age and placement in special education services among early CHD surgery survivors. Children with CHD surgery at <1 year of age from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2003, at the Arkansas Children's Hospital were identified. ⋯ Surgery after the neonatal period was associated with decreased literacy proficiency, and cardiopulmonary bypass during the first surgery was associated with decreased mathematics proficiency. Children who had early CHD surgery were less proficient on standardized school assessments, and many received special education. This is concerning because achievement-test scores at school age are "real-world" predictors of long-term outcomes.
Pediatric cardiology · Feb 2014
Percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects in spontaneously breathing children under deep sedation: a feasible and safe concept.
Interventional cardiac catheterization in children and adolescents is traditionally performed with the patient under general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation. However, percutaneous closure of atrial septum defect (ASD) without general anaesthesia is currently being attempted in a growing number of children. The study objective was to evaluate the success and complication rate of percutaneous ASD closure in spontaneously breathing children under deep sedation. ⋯ There were no major cardiorespiratory complications associated with deep sedation, and only two patients (1 %) required endotracheal intubation due to bronchial obstruction immediately after induction of sedation. Seventeen patients (8 %) had minor respiratory complications and required frequent oral suctioning or temporary bag-mask ventilation. TEE and percutaneous ASD closure can be performed safely and successfully under deep sedation in spontaneously breathing children of all ages.