Neurochemistry international
Septic encephalopathy is a frequent complication of the sepsis syndrome, with no therapies available that can prevent the associated neurological dysfunction in humans. It is caused by a number of processes and networks going awry, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms of which remain an enigma. ⋯ With the observations that brain dysfunction in a sepsis setting can be alleviated by regulation of the cytokines and complement proteins in various species of animals, optimism is building for a possible therapy of sepsis-damaged brain. This article reviewed the advances in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms causing pathology in SE, with an emphasis on the inflammatory and excitatory mediators such as the cytokines, complement proteins and neurotransmitters, investigating their potential as possible therapeutic targets.
Cerebral edema is a devastating consequence of brain injury leading to cerebral blood flow compromise and worsening parenchyma damage. In the present study, we investigated the effects of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) V(1a) receptor inhibition following an intracerebral hemorrhagic (ICH) brain injury in mice and closely assessed the role it played in cerebral edema formation, neurobehavioral functioning, and blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption. To support our investigation, SR49059, an AVP V(1a) receptor competitive antagonist, and NC1900, an arginine-vasopressin analogue, were used. ⋯ Western blot analysis demonstrated increased protein expression of aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in vehicle, which was reduced with AVP V(1a) receptor inhibition. Our study suggests that blockage of the AVP V(1a) receptor, is a promising treatment target for improving ICH-induced brain injury. Further studies will be needed to confirm this relationship and determine future clinical direction.
Comparative Study
Prenatal stress in rat causes long-term spatial memory deficit and hippocampus MRI abnormality: differential effects of postweaning enriched environment.
Prenatal stress (PS) can cause long-term hippocampus alternations in structure and plasticity in adult offspring. Enriched environment (EE) has an effect in rescuing a variety of neurological disorders. Pregnant dams were left undisturbed (prenatal control, PC) or restrained 6h per day from days 14 to 21 (prenatal stress, PS). ⋯ Exposure to EE treatment on postnatal days 22-120 counteracted the deficit in spatial memory and increased NR1 protein expression, but it did not affect the rate of high signals and increased T2 time, decreased NR2, synaptophysin, β1 integrin and t-PA mRNA expressions in PS adult offspring. The results of this study indicate PS in rats causes long-term spatial memory deficits and gross hippocampus pathology. Postnatal EE treatment has differential benefits in terms of spatial learning, signaling molecules, and gross hippocampus pathology.
Infection with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) causes neuroinfection and neuroinflammation characterized by profound neuronal destruction/dysfunction, concomitant microgliosis/astrogliosis, and production of various molecules that initiate the recruitment of immune cells to the sites of infection. Previously, we reported that glial cells expressed RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) with chemotactic activity in response to JEV infection. In this study, we further demonstrated that JEV-infected microglia had an additional activity in regulating RANTES production. ⋯ As with RANTES, neutralization of bioactive TNF-α and IL-1β caused an attenuation of chemotactic activity from supernatants of mixed glia containing astrocytes and microglia during the course of JEV infection. In conclusion, TNF-α and IL-1β produced by JEV-infected microglia might trigger another mechanism which induces a secondary wave of RANTES gene expression by activating astrocytes. The released RANTES from glial cells might play a role in the recruitment of immune cells during JEV infection.
Enkephalinergic (ENKergic) neurons have been proposed to play crucial roles in pain modulation in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc). To assist an advance in the research of ENKergic neurons, here we used preproenkephalin-green fluorescent protein (PPE-GFP) transgenic mice, in which all ENKergic neurons were fluorescent. We first performed fluorescent in situ hybridization combined with immunofluorescent histochemistry to confirm the specificity of this transgenic mouse and its advantages in showing ENKergic neurons in the Vc. ⋯ We then injected retrograde tracer into the thalamic regions and observed that a small number of ENKergic neurons in the Vc were retrogradely labeled with the tracer. The present results provide a detailed morphological evidence of the neurochemical features of ENKergic neurons. These results have broad implications for understanding the functional roles of ENKergic neurotransmission in the Vc.