Data were extracted from IARC Monographs volumes 1-38 on chemicals and exposures for which some data on carcinogenicity in humans, or sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals existed. In all, 288 chemicals, industrial processes and complex mixtures fulfilled these criteria. For 30 chemicals or mixtures of chemicals, and nine industrial processes, there was sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans; and for 63 chemicals and mixtures of chemicals and for five industrial processes, there was evidence that these exposures were probably carcinogenic to humans. ⋯ For 115 chemicals there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity to experimental animals, but no epidemiological data are available. Publications not earlier referred to on the carcinogenicity of these chemicals and exposures were found for approximately 70. A call is made for further information on these exposures with a view to updating the IARC Monographs.