The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
The blink reflex elicited by the electrical stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist [hand blink reflex (HBR)] is a subcortical, defensive response that is enhanced when the stimulated hand is inside the peripersonal space of the face. Such enhancement results from a tonic, top-down modulation of the excitability of the brainstem interneurons mediating the HBR. Here we aim to (1) characterize the somatotopical specificity of this top-down modulation and investigate its dependence on (2) cognitive expectations and (3) the presence of objects protecting the face, in healthy humans. ⋯ Experiment 3 showed that the HBR enhancement by hand-face proximity is suppressed when a thin wooden screen is placed between the participants' face and their hand. Thus, the screen reduces the extension of the defensive peripersonal space, so that the hand is never inside the peripersonal space of the face, even in the "near" condition. Together, these findings indicate a fine somatotopical and cognitive tuning of the excitability of brainstem circuits subserving the HBR, whose strength is adjusted depending on the context in a purposeful manner.
Applying graph theoretical analysis of spontaneous BOLD fluctuations in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated whole-brain functional connectivity of 11 healthy volunteers during wakefulness and propofol-induced loss of consciousness (PI-LOC). After extraction of regional fMRI time series from 110 cortical and subcortical regions, we applied a maximum overlap discrete wavelet transformation and investigated changes in the brain's intrinsic spatiotemporal organization. During PI-LOC, we observed a breakdown of subcortico-cortical and corticocortical connectivity. ⋯ Graph theoretical analyses revealed significant changes in the degree distribution and local organization metrics of brain functional networks during PI-LOC: compared with a random network, normalized clustering was significantly increased, as was small-worldness. Furthermore we observed a profound decline in long-range connections and a reduction in whole-brain spatiotemporal integration, supporting a topological reconfiguration during PI-LOC. Our findings shed light on the functional significance of intrinsic brain activity as measured by spontaneous BOLD signal fluctuations and help to understand propofol-induced loss of consciousness.
Peripheral nerve injury causes spontaneous and long-lasting pain, hyperalgesia, and allodynia. Excitatory amino acid receptor-dependent increases in descending facilitatory drive from the brainstem rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) contribute to injury-evoked hypersensitivity. Although increased excitability likely reflects changes in synaptic efficacy, the cellular mechanisms underlying injury-induced synaptic plasticity are poorly understood. ⋯ Here, we use the spared nerve injury (SNI) model in rodents to examine this issue. We show that SNI increases RVM NP1 expression and constitutive deletion or silencing NP1 in the RVM, before or after SNI, attenuates allodynia and hyperalgesia in rats. Selective rescue of RVM NP1 expression restores behavioral hypersensitivity of knock-out mice, demonstrating a key role of RVM NP1 in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain.
Although the transcription factors required for the generation of oligodendrocytes and CNS myelination during development have been relatively well established, it is not known whether continued expression of the same factors is required for the maintenance of myelin in the adult. Here, we use an inducible conditional knock-out strategy to investigate whether continued oligodendrocyte expression of the recently identified transcription factor myelin gene regulatory factor (MRF) is required to maintain the integrity of myelin in the adult CNS. Genetic ablation of MRF in mature oligodendrocytes within the adult CNS resulted in a delayed but severe CNS demyelination, with clinical symptoms beginning at 5 weeks and peaking at 8 weeks after ablation of MRF. ⋯ Subsequently, a proportion of the recombined oligodendrocytes undergo apoptosis over a period of weeks. Surviving oligodendrocytes gradually lose the expression of mature markers such as CC1 antigen and their association with myelin, without reexpressing oligodendrocyte progenitor markers or reentering the cell cycle. These results demonstrate that ongoing expression of MRF within the adult CNS is critical to maintain mature oligodendrocyte identity and the integrity of CNS myelin.
In the embryonic vertebrate brain, early born neurons establish highly stereotyped embryonic axonal tracts along which the neuronal interconnections form. To understand the mechanism underlying neuron axonal pathfinding within the embryonic scaffold of axon tracts, we studied zebrafish anterior dorsal telencephalic (ADt) neuron development. While previous studies suggest the ADt neuronal axons extend along a commissural tract [anterior commissure (AC)] and a descending ipsilateral tract [supraoptic tract (SOT)], it is unclear whether individual ADt neuronal axons choose specific projection paths at the intersection between the AC and the SOT. ⋯ In contrast, the AC was specifically reduced when Netrin1 function was knocked down. Further mechanistic studies suggested that Robo2 responded to the repellent Slit signals and suppressed the attractive Netrin signals. These findings demonstrate how Robo2-Slit and Dcc-Netrin coordinate the axonal projection choices of the developing neurons in the vertebrate forebrain.