The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
In addition to actions mediated by changes in gene expression, steroids can directly modulate several transmitter-gated and voltage-gated ion channels. Despite numerous studies showing that steroids enhance or reduce ion channel activity, the site(s) that mediates steroid recognition is not known. To identify the regions in which steroids bind and affect ion channel activity, we have taken advantage of the observation that human alpha4beta2 neuronal nicotinic receptors are potentiated by an estrogen steroid, 17beta-estradiol, whereas a rat alpha4beta2 receptor is not. ⋯ However, in human receptors it was necessary to mutate both the AGMI sequence and the tryptophan to eliminate potentiation by ethynyl beta-estradiol. The findings that beta-estradiol requires the AGMI sequence but that a single C-terminal tryptophan is sufficient for potentiation by ethynyl beta-estradiol indicate that the C terminus forms a binding site for these steroids. The binding site(s) for block appears to differ from those involved in potentiation because the C-terminal sequence does not affect block by steroids such as progesterone, and progesterone does not competitively inhibit potentiation.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) modulates synaptic strength in hippocampal neurons, in addition to promoting survival and differentiation. To identify genes involved in trophic regulation of synaptic plasticity, we have used a multidisciplinary approach of differential display and family-specific slot blots in combination with whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of dissociated hippocampal neurons. Three hour exposure to BDNF elicited a 2.6-fold increase in synaptic charge and a concomitant induction of 11 genes as revealed by differential display, including the small GTP-binding vesicular trafficking protein Rab3A and the enzyme guanylate cyclase (GC). ⋯ These neurons failed to show an increase in synaptic charge in response to BDNF at 10 min; however a late response to BDNF was detected at 20 min. This late response was similar in time course to that induced by postsynaptic activation of glutamate receptors. Our results demonstrate a requirement for Rab3A and may reveal a temporal distinction between presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms of BDNF-induced synaptic plasticity associated with learning and memory.
Inflammatory pain, characterized by a decrease in mechanical nociceptive threshold (hyperalgesia), arises through actions of inflammatory mediators, many of which sensitize primary afferent nociceptors via G-protein-coupled receptors. Two signaling pathways, one involving protein kinase A (PKA) and one involving the epsilon isozyme of protein kinase C (PKCepsilon), have been implicated in primary afferent nociceptor sensitization. Here we describe a third, independent pathway that involves activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) 1 and 2. ⋯ Conversely, hyperalgesia produced by agents that activate PKA or PKCepsilon was unaffected by MEK inhibitors. We conclude that a Ras-MEK-ERK1/2 cascade acts independent of PKA or PKCepsilon as a novel signaling pathway for the production of inflammatory pain. This pathway may present a target for a new class of analgesic agents.
Although rat brain Nav1.3 voltage-gated sodium channels have been expressed and studied in Xenopus oocytes, these channels have not been studied after their expression in mammalian cells. We characterized the properties of the rat brain Nav1.3 sodium channels expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Nav1.3 channels generated fast-activating and fast-inactivating currents. ⋯ Moreover, consistent with the idea that cellular factors can modulate the properties of Nav1.3, the repriming kinetics were twofold faster in the neurons than in the HEK 293 cells. The rapid repriming of Nav1.3 suggests that it contributes to the acceleration of repriming of TTX-sensitive (TTX-S) sodium currents that are seen after peripheral axotomy of DRG neurons. The relatively rapid recovery from inactivation and the slow closed-state inactivation kinetics of Nav1.3 channels suggest that neurons expressing Nav1.3 may exhibit a reduced threshold and/or a relatively high frequency of firing.
Although the peripheral nerve has the potential to regenerate after injury, degenerative processes may be essential to promote axonal growth into the denervated nerve. One hypothesis is that the nerve contains growth inhibitors that must be neutralized after injury for optimal regeneration. In the present study, we tested whether degradation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, a known inhibitor of axon growth, enhances the growth-promoting properties of grafts prepared from normal donor nerves. ⋯ Growth into the chondroitinase-treated grafts was pronounced after only 4 d, suggesting that the delay of axonal growth normally associated with acellular grafts was attenuated as well. These findings indicate that chondroitinase treatment significantly enhanced the growth-promoting properties of freeze-killed donor nerve grafts. Combined with the low immunogenicity of acellular grafts, the ability to improve axonal penetration into interpositional grafts by preoperative treatment with chondroitinase may be a significant advancement for clinical nerve allografting.