The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Comparative Study
IPSC kinetics at identified GABAergic and mixed GABAergic and glycinergic synapses onto cerebellar Golgi cells.
In the rat cerebellum, Golgi cells receive serotonin-evoked inputs from Lugaro cells (L-IPSCs), in addition to spontaneous inhibitory inputs (S-IPSCs). In the present study, we analyze the pharmacology of these IPSCs and show that S-IPSCs are purely GABAergic events occurring at basket and stellate cell synapses, whereas L-IPSCs are mediated by GABA and glycine. Corelease of the two transmitters at Lugaro cell synapses is suggested by the fact that both GABA(A) and glycine receptors open during individual L-IPSCs. ⋯ The ratio of the decay times of L-IPSCs and of S-IPSCs is a constant value among Golgi cells. This indicates that, despite a high cell-to-cell variability of the overall IPSC decay kinetics, postsynaptic Golgi cells coregulate the kinetics of their two main inhibitory inputs. The glycinergic component of L-IPSCs is responsible for their slower decay, suggesting that glycinergic transmission plays a role in tuning the IPSC kinetics in neuronal networks.
Previously, we reported the cloning of alpha4 type V collagen, a novel member of the collagen type V gene family that is expressed by Schwann cells in developing peripheral nerves (Chernousov et al., 2000). The present study was performed to investigate the effects of this collagen on the adhesion and migration of premyelinating Schwann cells and neurite outgrowth from embryonic dorsal root ganglion neurons. Purified alpha4(V)-containing collagen isolated from Schwann cell conditioned medium (collagen type V(SC)) promoted migration of Schwann cells but inhibited outgrowth of axons from rat embryo dorsal root ganglia. ⋯ In cocultures of dorsal root ganglion neurons and Schwann cells, collagen type V(SC) promoted axon fasciculation and association of axons with Schwann cells. These results suggest that in embryonic peripheral nerves, collagen type V(SC) plays a dual role in regulating cell migration. This represents a heretofore unrecognized function of peripheral nerve collagen fibrils in regulating patterns of peripheral nerve growth during development.
Retigabine [D-23129; N-(2-amino-4-(4-fluorobenzylamino)-phenyl) carbamic acid ethyl ester] is a novel anticonvulsant compound that is now in clinical phase II development. It has previously been shown to enhance currents generated by KCNQ2/3 K(+) channels when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (Main et al., 2000; Wickenden et al., 2000). In the present study, we have compared the actions of retigabine on KCNQ2/3 currents with those on currents generated by other members of the KCNQ family (homomeric KCNQ1, KCNQ2, KCNQ3, and KCNQ4 channels) expressed in CHO cells and on the native M current in rat sympathetic neurons [thought to be generated by KCNQ2/3 channels (Wang et al., 1998)]. ⋯ Retigabine also produced a hyperpolarizing shift in the activation curve for native M channels in rat sympathetic neurons. The retigabine-induced current was inhibited by muscarinic receptor stimulation, with similar agonist potency but 25% reduced maximum effect. In unclamped neurons, retigabine produced a hyperpolarization and reduced the number of action potentials produced by depolarizing current injections, without change in action potential configuration.
Neuregulins are highly expressed in the CNS, especially in cholinergic neurons. We have examined the effect of neuregulin on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in neurons dissociated from the rat hippocampus. Rapid application of acetylcholine (ACh) induced a rapidly rising and decaying inward current in some of the neurons, which was completely blocked by methyllycaconitine, a specific antagonist of the alpha7 subunit of the nAChR. ⋯ Pharmacologic experiments indicated that the shower of PSCs was mediated by glutamate, with a small minority caused by the action of GABA. Chronic exposure to NRG1-beta1 increased the amplitude of ACh-evoked PSCs but not the minimum "quantal" PSC. NRG1-beta1 also increased the percentage of neurons that exhibited ACh-evoked PSCs.
Cortico-basal ganglia circuits are organized in parallel channels. Information flow from functionally distinct cortical areas remains segregated within the striatum and through its direct projections to basal ganglia output structures. Whether such a segregation is maintained in trans-subthalamic circuits is still questioned. ⋯ Among the subthalamic responding cells (n = 441), a few received both prefrontal and motor cortex (n = 19) or prefrontal and auditory cortex (n = 10) excitatory inputs, whereas a larger number of cells were activated from both motor and auditory cortices (n = 48). The data indicate that the segregation of cortical information flow originating from prefrontal, motor, and auditory cortices that occurred in the striatum is only partly maintained in the subthalamic nucleus. It can be proposed that the existence of specific patterns of convergence of information flow from these functionally distinct cortical areas in the subthalamic nucleus allows interactions between parallel channels.