The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
These experiments further define the organization of peptidergic pathways in the paravertebral sympathetic system of the bullfrog. Populations of axons and synaptic boutons in sympathetic ganglia 9 and 10 were found to express calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity (CGRP-IR) and substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-IR). CGRP-IR is present in fibers that run through the ganglia and in boutons that make contact with almost half of the principal neurons. ⋯ In the spinal cord, the preganglionic B and C neurons that innervate ganglia 9 and 10 are located in different segments. In segments that contain preganglionic B cells, but not those that contain C cells, there were 243 +/- 37 (mean +/- SD) neurons in the intermediolateral cell column that express CGRP-IR. However, no cell bodies containing SP-IR were found in this region of the spinal cord.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
In adult mammalian CNS, axons mostly fail to regenerate after injury, while in the PNS they often succeed in reaching their previous targets. Crucial differences are present in the local tissue microenvironment of CNS and PNS. To investigate the substrate properties of nervous tissue for neuronal adhesion and fiber growth, we used frozen sections of rat CNS and PNS as culture substrates for neuroblastoma cells and for sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. ⋯ Neuroblastoma cells plated on spinal cord sections taken from these animals were no longer exclusively localized on the gray matter but were also found on regions normally rich in myelin. A significant reduction of the white matter nonpermissive substrate effect was also obtained by the monoclonal antibody IN-1 directed against 2 defined myelin proteins with inhibitory substrate properties (Caroni and Schwab, 1988b). Our results, therefore, show that, in the adult mammalian CNS, cell adhesion and axonal elongation are prevented by white matter components, which are, at least in part, associated with oligodendrocytes and myelin.
The phenomenon of retrograde amnesia has important implications for understanding normal memory as well as its neural organization. Using 6 tests of remote memory, we evaluated the extent and severity of retrograde amnesia in 2 groups of amnesic patients--7 patients with alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome and 5 other patients with amnesia (anoxia or ischemia, N = 3; thalamic infarction, N = 1; unknown etiology, N = 1). Although there were individual differences, Experiment 1 showed that the severity and extent of retrograde amnesia was similar for the 2 groups. ⋯ In Experiment 3, amnesic patients performed normally on a test of very difficult general information questions, which were based on material likely to have been learned long ago. In all 3 experiments, the 2 groups of amnesic patients performed similarly. The results support the following conclusions: (1) Extensive, temporally graded retrograde amnesia, which has been observed frequently in patients with Korsakoff's syndrome, occurs readily in other amnesic patients as well, even when their memory impairment appears well circumscribed; (2) patients with presumed damage to either the medial temporal or the diencephalic brain structures linked to memory functions can produce a similar kind of retrograde amnesia; (3) the impairment reflects a loss of usable knowledge, not simply difficulty accessing an intact memory store that can then be overcome given sufficient retrieval opportunities; (4) very remote memory, at least for factual information, can be intact in amnesia; (5) the structures damaged in amnesia support memory storage, retrieval, or both during a lengthy period of reorganization, after which representations in memory can become independent of these structures.
Trigeminal sensory innervation of cerebral vessels and the surrounding dura is responsible for most intracranial head pain. Small-diameter fibers containing substance P (Sub P) have been observed in the periadventitia around feline cerebral blood vessels, and it has been suggested that these fibers are the trigeminal substrate for vascular pain associated with cluster and migraine headaches. Calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) coexists with Sub P in some of these fibers and with some Sub P containing neurons in the trigeminal ganglion. ⋯ Approximately 18 and 17% of these cells contained Sub P and cholecystokinin (CCK), respectively. The 32% of ganglion cells projecting to the cerebral vasculature that contain CGRP stands in contrast to the 12% CGRP positive seen in the population of ganglion cells projecting out to another target (the forehead), and the 21 and 23% CGRP positive observed in the mandibular branch and entire ganglion, respectively. Sub P and CCK are not enriched in the trigeminal innervation of the vasculature compared with their presence in cells throughout the ganglia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Comparative Study
Comparison of primary afferent and glutamate excitation of neurons in the mammalian spinal dorsal horn.
The actions of L-glutamate and agonists, agents blocking their membrane receptors and dorsal root afferent volleys, were compared on intracellularly recorded neuronal activity in an in vitro horizontal slice preparation of the hamster spinal dorsal horn. Bath-applied L-glutamate or L-aspartate (less than or equal to 1 mM) rapidly depolarized and excited less than a third of the dorsal horn neurons sampled. Bathing solutions containing low Ca2+ eliminated synaptic transmission in the slices but failed to block the excitatory effects of L-glutamate for the majority of the neurons tested. ⋯ Compounds with strong antagonist actions at the NMDA receptor, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid and D-alpha-aminoadipic acid, were much less effective in suppressing the effects of L-glutamate or in blocking synaptic potentials. We conclude that a subset of spinal neurons directly excited by dorsal root fibers have excitatory membrane receptors activated by L-glutamate. This conclusion is consistent with the concept that L-glutamate or a substance binding to the receptors it activates is released from the central terminals of some primary afferent fibers and mediates fast synaptic transmission from them to certain spinal neurons in the dorsal horn.