The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Studies of presynaptic events in synaptic transmission may be facilitated through the use of specific ligands for functional components of the transmitter release mechanism and through the use of genetics. For this purpose, neurotoxins that affect neuromuscular transmission in Drosophila have been identified and purified from Plectreurys spider venom (PLTX). ⋯ These toxins have been highly purified and are peptides of about 7 kDa in molecular weight. They specifically block transmitter release at nanomolar concentrations and may be useful in further biochemical studies.
This is a study of the chemoanatomical organization of the projection from the raphe nuclei to the main olfactory bulb in the rat. A heavy projection from the dorsal and median raphe nuclei to the main olfactory bulb was shown by both retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. Following injections of 1% wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the main olfactory bulb, up to 1300 neurons were retrogradely labeled in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, a much larger number than has been suggested by previous studies. ⋯ Finally, glomerular fibers are much more intensely stained than infraglomerular fibers. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsal and median raphe caused a total depletion of serotonin fiber staining in the bulb, demonstrating that the raphe nuclei are the sole source of the serotonergic input to the main olfactory bulb. Thus, it has been demonstrated that serotonergic neurons in dorsal and median raphe project very heavily to glomeruli and less heavily to other layers in the main olfactory bulb.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Measurements of neuron-specific and glia-specific proteins were used to characterize chemical-induced injury to the rat CNS. Trimethyltin (TMT), a neurotoxicant that preferentially damages neurons in limbic structures, was employed to produce consistent, time-dependent, dose-related, cell type-specific alterations in CNS morphology. Brain weights and histology were used to verify the cytopathological effects of TMT. ⋯ Immunohistochemistry of GFAP revealed widespread astrocytic reactivity as a consequence of exposure to TMT, a response that resulted in part from the proliferation of astrocytes. Additional neurotypic proteins altered by TMT-induced injury included one of the neurofilament (NF) triplet proteins (p68) and a protein with the electrophoretic characteristics of neuron-specific enolase (NSE). The data indicate that measurements of neurotypic and gliotypic proteins may be used to characterize the temporal and regional patterns of neuronal and glial responses to injury.
The defensive withdrawal reflex of the mantle organs of Aplysia californica has 2 major components, siphon withdrawal and gill withdrawal. In the previous paper of this series (Rankin and Carew, 1987), the development of 2 forms of nonassociative learning, habituation and dishabituation, was examined in the siphon withdrawal component of the reflex. In the present study we examined these same forms of learning in the gill withdrawal component of the reflex. ⋯ Stimulation parameters were matched to produce behavioral responses comparable with those in the intact animal. In an isolated CNS preparation the same nerve stimuli were used as in the semi-intact preparation, but the response measure used was the evoked neural discharge recorded in an efferent nerve innervating the gill. Both preparations exhibited response decrement and facilitation that was quantitatively as well as qualitatively similar to that observed in intact animals, indicating that 2 simple forms of learning exhibited by the gill withdrawal reflex in juvenile Aplysia can be localized to neural circuits within the abdominal ganglion.
It has been previously established that a bulbar relay plays an important role in descending inhibition of spinal dorsal horn nociceptive neurons and nociceptive reflexes produced by stimulation in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG). In the present study, selected receptor antagonists were microinjected into the medial medullary nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) to determine whether descending inhibition of the tail flick (TF) reflex in the rat produced by focal electrical stimulation in the midbrain PAG was mediated by serotonin, opioid, or glutamate receptors on bulbospinal neurons in the NRM. It was determined in initial experiments that the serotonin receptor antagonist methysergide, the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, the local anesthetic lidocaine, and the glutamate receptor antagonists gamma-D-glutamylglycine (DGG) and DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) microinjected into the medulla all significantly increased the threshold of focal electrical stimulation in the medulla required to inhibit the TF reflex. ⋯ In subsequent experiments, a nonspecific functional block was introduced adjacent to the NRM bilaterally in the medullary reticular formations (MRFs) by the microinjection of the local anesthetic lidocaine; receptor antagonists were then microinjected into the NRM and their effect on the threshold of focal electrical stimulation in the PAG to inhibit the TF reflex determined. No increase was seen in stimulation thresholds in the PAG following the microinjection of either methysergide or naloxone into the NRM. Following the microinjection of lidocaine, DGG or APV into the NRM, the stimulation threshold in the PAG for inhibition of the TF reflex was increased significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)