European journal of radiology
Randomized Controlled Trial
Modified RECIST to assess tumor response after transarterial chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma: CT-pathologic correlation in 178 liver explants.
To retrospectively evaluate agreement between modified RECIST (mRECIST) assessed at Computed Tomography (CT) and pathology in a large series of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who were transplanted after transarterial chemoembolization (TACE). ⋯ CT can overestimate tumor response after TACE. Nonetheless, mRECIST assessed at CT after TACE are reproducible and reliable in differentiating responders and non-responders.
To develop a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) metric that is useful for therapy monitoring in patients with relapsed glioblastoma (GBM) during treatment with the antiangiogenic monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Bev). We evaluated the feasibility of tumour volume measurement with our software tool in clinical routine and tried to establish reproducible and quantitative parameters for surveillance of patients on treatment with antiangiogenic drugs. ⋯ In this pilot study the applied imaging estimates objectively tumour response and progression compared to the bi-dimensional measurement. The quantitative parameters are reproducible and also applicable for the diffuse infiltrating lesions.
To investigate microstructural tissue changes of trigeminal nerve (TGN) in patients with unilateral trigeminal neuralgia (TN) by multiple diffusion metrics, and correlate the diffusion indexes with the clinical variables. ⋯ DTI can quantitatively assess the microstructural abnormalities of the affected TGN in patients with TN. Our results suggest demyelination without significant axonal injury is the essential pathological basis of the affected TGN by multiple diffusion metrics. The correlation between FA reduction and VAS suggests FA as a potential objective MRI biomarker to correlate with clinical severity.
Little is known about the role of thalamus in the pathophysiology of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the thalamic functional connectivity was disrupted in cirrhotic patients with MHE by using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). ⋯ MHE patients had disrupted thalamic functional connectivity, which mainly located in the bilateral ventral anterior nuclei and ventral posterior medial nuclei. The decreased connectivity between thalamus and many cortices, and basal ganglia indicated reduced integrity of thalamic RSN in MHE.
Comparative Study
Accuracy and confidence of Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging alone and in combination for the diagnosis of liver metastases.
To evaluate the accuracy and confidence in diagnosing liver metastases using combined gadolinium-EOB-DTPA (Gd-EOB-DTPA) enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in comparison to Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI and DWI alone. ⋯ Addition of DWI sequences to Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI did not significantly increase diagnostic accuracy as compared to Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI alone in the diagnosis of liver metastases. However, the increase in diagnostic confidence might justify acquisition of DWI sequences in a dedicated MRI protocol.