Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
Hypnic headache (HH) is a rare, short-lasting headache occurring exclusively during sleep and usually affecting the elderly population. According to the ICHD-II diagnostic criteria, HH is characterized exclusively by sleep-related dull headache attacks, either lateralized or bilateral, a recurrence of >15 times per month and a persistence of pain >15 minutes after waking. No autonomic symptoms and no more than nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia are present. ⋯ Considering the very few cases of HH reported in paediatric age, our cases may expand the clinical spectrum of this disorder, suggesting a possible revision of the diagnostic criteria, with particular regard to the developmental age.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the posterior hypothalamus has been found to be effective in the treatment of refractory chronic cluster headache (CCH). ⋯ Our results supports the efficacy of DBS in very refractory CCH with a slightly modified hypothalamic target conceived to avoid the lateral ventricle wall so as to extend the stimulated brain area and to decrease the morbidity of potential haemorrhagic complications.
The mechanisms contributing to the pain of migraine are poorly understood although activation of afferent nociceptors in the trigeminovascular system has been proposed as a key event. Prior studies have shown that dural-afferent nociceptors are sensitive to both osmotic and mechanical stimuli. Based on the sensitivity to these stimuli we hypothesized that dural afferents express the osmo/mechano-sensitive channel transient receptor-potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4). ⋯ These data indicate that activation of TRPV4 within the meninges produces afferent nociceptive signaling from the head that may contribute to migraine headache.
Migraine is a disabling chronic episodic disorder. Attack frequency progressively increases in some patients. Incremental cortical excitability has been implicated as a mechanism underlying progression. Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is the electrophysiological event underlying migraine aura, and a headache trigger. We hypothesized that CSD events during frequent migraine attacks condition the cortex to increase the susceptibility to further attacks. ⋯ These data do not support the hypothesis that frequent migraine attacks predispose the brain to further attacks by enhancing tissue susceptibility to CSD.
To estimate the lifetime prevalence of trigeminal neuralgia (TN) and persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP) in a population-based sample in Germany. ⋯ This large population-based study revealed that TN and PIFP are rare facial pain disorders.